darrenjacoby / intervention

WordPress plugin to configure wp-admin and application state using a single config file.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Publish plugin to wordpress.org

claytoncollie opened this issue · comments

Have you given any thought to publishing this plugin to wordpress.org? It's actually really easy nowadays with this GitHub Action. I have my plugins automatically published to the repo without leaving GitHub. You would not need this part of your current codebase if you went this route and the end-user would not need to have Andy's plugin updater plugin also activated. Happy to make a PR if you are interested.

Hey @claytoncollie,

Yes, I have been planning on moving to wordpress.org. I first had to implement php-scoper to avoid conflicts with vendor namespaces, but that's part of the new release. I will likely publish that branch later today, or in the coming days.

I would love a PR for the GH action though!

@claytoncollie if you do have time to submit a PR, would you mind working from branch interface? That's the latest.

Also feel free to take it for a test-run. It requires more testing, but has an interface for the admin section under Tools > Intervention.

I'm closing this for now as it is in the works!