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I can't send messages when using the Neo2 keyboard layout.

skittlesvampir opened this issue · comments

When I press the enter key on my keyboard to send my messsage, nothing happens. Not on my instance not on the darkwire.io instance. I tried on mobile (the browser was bromite which a kind of open source chrome for android) and when i typed my messages there I still couldn't send my messages with enter but a button appeared that allowed it.
But I don't see any button on my desktop computer (Debian 10, Buster). The browsers I tried were firefox-esr (78.6.0) and chromium (83.0.4103.116).
Maybe I was just dumb and used darkwire the wrong way and there is no issue.
I would be happy if someone answered but it doesn't have to happened rightnow, the next few week are okay.
Sincerely, ~skittlesvampir.

It looks like my firefox is too old. I asked a friend and on his browser it works fine. It installed the developer version of firefox and it worked too.
But I have the newest firefox and chromium browsers that the stable repository of Debian has. Is there a workaround for Debian users?

Okay, it doesn't even work in firefox-dev. This isn't a debian problem, I figured out that it happens because I use a custom keyboard layout(Neo 2). When I you a different layout, it works.
Sorry for wasting your time this is my own problem, have a nice day. :)

Okay, I found out what caused the error.
both_capslock, which allows us to use caps lock by pressing both shift keys at the same time doesn't work well with the Shift+Enter for newline functionaly.
So if anyone here actually uses this layout, I would recommend copy /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/de to /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/de-modified and then editing commenting out the _both_capslock` line:

<     include "shift(both_capslock)"
>     //include "shift(both_capslock)"

After that just run setxkbmap de-modified neo while you use darkwire and when your done with chatting do setxkbmap de neo.
Note: You can't use caps lock when you use this workaround. If don't know what a keyboard layout is or don't use Neo2 you can fully ignore this issue.