darkweak / souin

An HTTP cache system, RFC compliant, compatible with @tyktechnologies, @traefik, @caddyserver, @go-chi, @bnkamalesh, @beego, @devfeel, @labstack, @gofiber, @go-goyave, @go-kratos, @gin-gonic, @roadrunner-server, @zalando, @zeromicro, @nginx and @apache

Home Page:https://docs.souin.io

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

public,max-age=31536000, immutable

enricoschaaf opened this issue Β· comments

Hi πŸ‘‹

I am using Souin through Caddy and I noticed that a public,max-age=31536000, immutable cache control response header from the origin gets cached for 120 seconds (the default ttl) instead based on the max age?

Is this a bug or something that can be configured?

Thanks for providing a way to run a cache alongside caddy :)

Hello @enricoschaaf sorry for this long time without answer.

I think that's a bug, I put your issue on my debug-todo list. Maybe I could write a patch this weekend but not guaranteed.

Thank you for your feedback, I keep you updated on that.

@enricoschaaf We store the response for the min between max-age response directive and the ttl defined in the configuration (default 120s). A solution could be to increase the default ttl directive but I'm wondering if we have to keep the actual behavior or remove this duration calculation. I don't think the rfc specifies something about that.