darkside90a / kegmon-display

A variant of mp-se's Kegmon display

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A variant of mp-se's Kegmon display case

You find a complete description of his great Kegmon project here:


I used a Kemo G081N (120x70x35mm). If you are situated in Sweden/Norway, you can get it from Kjell&Co (#89026): P1010688

Lid off. All modules are on the top side: P1010693

A hole in the lid is filled with a CNC machined piece of 4mm acrylic as a window (km-display.stl): P1010697 kegmon-display

Two spacers (km-spacer.stl) lifts the PCB up from the bottom of the case so that the displays are as close to the acrylic window as possible. Both spacers are printed the same way. I just flipped one of them during assembly. The frame (km-frame1.stl) keeps the displays as horizontal as possible. P1010694 km-spacer km-frame

All modules are mounted on sockets - "plug-in", easy if I need to replace any of them. Displays are mounted on double height sockets. They have some distance, allowing 1.3" display replacement. RJ45's are placed upside-down to keep the assembly as low as possible. They have extra mechanical support by help of cable strips. P1010696

Bottom. Took me only 2-3hrs to do all wiring on the 60x80mm experiment PCB:


Brackets for mounting the frame were made by "killing" two of these car cable interconnectors and soldered on to the PCB: P1010692

Before soldering, I made a design in KiCad with 3D models to see how it would look like. Also did a rough layout to have something to check against: DSC_1682


If I was asked to make this again, I would have moved the ESP one more step (2.5mm) away from the edge of the PCB ( = A much smaller cutout in the case).


A variant of mp-se's Kegmon display