dark-panda / ffi-geos

ffi-geos is an implementation of the GEOS Ruby bindings in Ruby via FFI.

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Incorrectly parsing some geos versions

groeneman opened this issue · comments


I was having some issues with some missing methods in my Geos::LinearRing class that none of my coworkers could reproduce. We eventually tracked the issue down to lib/ffi-geos/geometry.rb:425, which checks the Geos::GEOS_VERSION value. On my machine which was running Geos version 3.6.2-CAPI-1.10.2 4d2925d6, Geos::GEOS_VERSION was returning 0.0.0, whereas on my coworker's machine, which was running Geos version 3.6.1-CAPI-1.10.1 r0, Geos::GEOS_VERSION was returning 3.6.1.

We tracked that down to the VersionConstants module in lib/ffi-geos.rb. The regex that parses out the version doesn't support those trailing hex digits.


Making that last r optional (r+) and changing the last \d to a \h fixes the issue for me. For context, I installed geos via homebrew (as opposed to by building from some random commit on GitHub), so I would've expected the version string to be acceptable.



Fixed and released in ffi-geos 1.2.1.