dappnode / DAppNodeSDK

dappnodesdk is a tool to mantain dappnode packages. It helps to initialize and publish an Aragon Package Manager Repository

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dappmanager links need to be updated

dsimog01 opened this issue · comments

Paths for URLs in dappmanager have changed, so they need to be updated in SDK, too.

For example, previous link for installer was: http://my.dappnode/#/installer/%2Fipfs%2FQmSaKAHDKaNL7qkGDYRFfy8jXYAJ9CioPkzTzsXjJhw3tn

And now it is: http://my.dappnode/installer/dnp/%2Fipfs%2FQmSaKAHDKaNL7qkGDYRFfy8jXYAJ9CioPkzTzsXjJhw3tn