dappnode / DAppNodeSDK

dappnodesdk is a tool to mantain dappnode packages. It helps to initialize and publish an Aragon Package Manager Repository

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Do not allow to define compose values that are reserved for dappnode defaults

pablomendezroyo opened this issue · comments

The dappmanager is adding a few docker-compose.yml values during installation as dappnode defaults, such as dns and logging. See https://github.com/dappnode/DNP_DAPPMANAGER/blob/f45e4bf89fe7c73c1d6d9784f5bc0af4dbf03075/packages/dappmanager/src/modules/compose/unsafeCompose.ts#L83

These values must be added during installation to have the power to change them with a core release. However, the SDK should not allow to define these compose values that are reserved for dappnode defaults. Instead, it should throw an error telling why to the developer.

Consider to define the "dappnode defaults" values here in the SDK and to be used as a dependency in the dappmanager for consistency

Dappnode values defaults

  • dns
  • logging
  • container_name
  • network aliases: ${dnpname}.dappnode

Other possible values dappnode (defaults to discuss)

  • compose networks?
  • ?

Yeah this is much better! It makes more sense

already implemented