dapperfu / matlab_diffStruct

Prints differences between Matlab structures.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

matlab diffStruct

This tool was created and to highlight differences between Matlab structures.

Its primary use case is for programatically making changes to Simulink blocks.

Useage by Example

Constant Block

A simple default constant block. The Constant value and Sample time are defined in the block parameters dialog. get(gcbh) will get all parameters from get current block handle. (See Verbose output below).

More complex examples will be left as an exercise to the reader.

Make some changes by hand through the GUI.

  • Value is now defined by variable val
  • Sample time is defined by variable sample_time.
  • Interpret vector parameters as 1-D is unchecked.

Press Apply and run get(gcbh) again, storing the output into variable b.

Running diffStruct on a and b will:

  • Show the differences between the before and after in the format [Parameter]: [before] -> [after]

For this example, this is the output:

Value: 1 -> val
VectorParams1D: on -> off
SampleTime: inf -> sample_time
  • Print example code to programatically make the changes. The output uses gcb, however this can be changed to a variable.

For this example, this is the output:


Verbose get(gcbh) output:

>> a = get(gcbh)

a = 

  struct with fields:
                                    Path: 'example1'
                                    Name: 'Constant'
                                     Tag: ''
                             Description: ''
                                    Type: 'block'
                                  Parent: 'example1'
                                  Handle: 1.6200e+03
                         HiliteAncestors: 'none'
                         RequirementInfo: ''
                                FontName: 'auto'
                                FontSize: -1
                              FontWeight: 'auto'
                               FontAngle: 'auto'
                                Selected: 'on'
                                MaskType: ''
                         MaskDescription: ''
                                MaskHelp: ''
                        MaskPromptString: ''
                         MaskStyleString: ''
                           MaskVariables: ''
                  MaskTunableValueString: ''
                      MaskCallbackString: ''
                        MaskEnableString: ''
                    MaskVisibilityString: ''
                       MaskToolTipString: ''
                      MaskVarAliasString: ''
                      MaskInitialization: ''
                      MaskSelfModifiable: 'off'
                             MaskDisplay: ''
                           MaskIconFrame: 'on'
                          MaskIconOpaque: 'opaque'
                          MaskIconRotate: 'none'
                          MaskPortRotate: 'default'
                           MaskIconUnits: 'autoscale'
                         MaskValueString: ''
                MaskRunInitForIconRedraw: 'off'
                       MaskTabNameString: ''
                                    Mask: 'off'
                           MaskCallbacks: {0×1 cell}
                             MaskEnables: {0×1 cell}
                               MaskNames: {0×1 cell}
                  MaskPropertyNameString: ''
                             MaskPrompts: {0×1 cell}
                              MaskStyles: {0×1 cell}
                       MaskTunableValues: {0×1 cell}
                              MaskValues: {0×1 cell}
                     MaskToolTipsDisplay: {0×1 cell}
                        MaskVisibilities: {0×1 cell}
                          MaskVarAliases: {0×1 cell}
                         MaskWSVariables: []
                            MaskTabNames: {0×1 cell}
                              MaskObject: []
                                   Ports: [0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
                                Position: [65 25 95 55]
                             Orientation: 'right'
                        PortRotationType: 'default'
                         ForegroundColor: 'black'
                         BackgroundColor: 'white'
                              DropShadow: 'off'
                                  IOType: 'none'
                           NamePlacement: 'normal'
                                ShowName: 'on'
                                Priority: ''
                               Commented: 'off'
                  AttributesFormatString: ''
               TargetArchitectureMapping: {}
                       InstantiateOnLoad: 'off'
                     PolySpaceEndComment: ''
                   PolySpaceStartComment: ''
                           AncestorBlock: ''
                          ReferenceBlock: ''
                       SourceLibraryInfo: ''
                          LibraryVersion: ''
                      UserDataPersistent: 'off'
                                UserData: []
                        CompiledIsActive: 'on'
                                 RTWdata: []
                                 HDLData: []
                             Diagnostics: ''
                        DialogParameters: [1×1 struct]
               IntrinsicDialogParameters: [1×1 struct]
                     AlgorithmParameters: [1×1 struct]
            SecondaryAlgorithmParameters: [1×1 struct]
                      CompiledSampleTime: [-1 0]
                        InputSignalNames: {1×0 cell}
                       OutputSignalNames: {''}
                     ModelParamTableInfo: []
            StatePerturbationForJacobian: '1.0e-05'
SCDEnableBlockLinearizationSpecification: 'off'
      SCDBlockLinearizationSpecification: []
                                 CopyFcn: ''
                               DeleteFcn: ''
                           UndoDeleteFcn: ''
                                 LoadFcn: ''
                           ModelCloseFcn: ''
                              PreSaveFcn: ''
                             PostSaveFcn: ''
                                 InitFcn: ''
                                StartFcn: ''
                                PauseFcn: ''
                             ContinueFcn: ''
                                 StopFcn: ''
                           NameChangeFcn: ''
                            ClipboardFcn: ''
                              DestroyFcn: ''
                              PreCopyFcn: ''
                                 OpenFcn: ''
                                CloseFcn: ''
                            PreDeleteFcn: ''
                          ParentCloseFcn: ''
                                 MoveFcn: ''
                               BlockType: 'Constant'
                        BlockDescription: 'Output the constant specified b…'
                              LinkStatus: 'none'
                        StaticLinkStatus: 'none'
                        PortConnectivity: [1×1 struct]
                             PortHandles: [1×1 struct]
                             LineHandles: [1×1 struct]
                      CompiledPortWidths: [0×0 struct]
                  CompiledPortDimensions: [0×0 struct]
                   CompiledPortDataTypes: [0×0 struct]
                       CompiledPortUnits: [0×0 struct]
              CompiledPortComplexSignals: [0×0 struct]
                   CompiledPortFrameData: [0×0 struct]
               DataTypeOverride_Compiled: 'UseLocalSettings'
          MinMaxOverflowLogging_Compiled: 'UseLocalSettings'
                            Capabilities: [1×1 Capabilities]
                         IOSignalStrings: []
                           RuntimeObject: [0×1 double]
                     ExtModeUploadOption: 'none'
                 ExtModeLoggingSupported: 'off'
                      ExtModeLoggingTrig: 'off'
                                   Value: 'val'
                          VectorParams1D: 'off'
                                  OutMin: '[]'
                                  OutMax: '[]'
                          OutDataTypeStr: 'Inherit: Inherit from 'Constant…'
                               LockScale: 'off'
                              SampleTime: 'sample_time'
                             FramePeriod: 'inf'

Corrections & Issues

If you find something doesn't work, open an issue:



Prints differences between Matlab structures.

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:MATLAB 100.0%