danstuken / TeamCitySharp

C# API for TeamCity - Please note this has had major architectural changes. This will not be backwards compatible so careful when updating

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


*.NET Library to access TeamCity via their REST API.

For more information on TeamCity visit: http://www.jetbrains.com/teamcity

##Releases Please find the release notes here

##License http://stack72.mit-license.org/

##Installation There are 2 ways to use TeamCitySharp:

  • install-package TeamCitysharp (via Nuget)
  • Download source and compile

##Build Monitor

  • There is a sample build monitor built with TeamCitySharp. It can be found at TeamCityMonitor

##Sample Usage To get a list of projects

var client = new TeamCityClient("localhost:81");
client.Connect("admin", "qwerty");
var projects = client.Projects.All();

To get a list of running builds

var client = new TeamCityClient("localhost:81");
client.Connect("admin", "qwerty");
var builds = client.Builds.ByBuildLocator(BuildLocator.RunningBuilds());

##Connecting to a server

To connect as an authenticated user:

var client = new TeamCityClient("localhost:81");
client.Connect("username", "password");

To connect as a Guest:

var client = new TeamCityClient("localhost:81");

##API Interaction Groups There are many tasks that the TeamCity API can do for us. TeamCitySharp groups these tasks into specialist areas

  • Builds
  • Projects
  • BuildConfigs
  • ServerInformation
  • Users
  • Agents
  • VcsRoots
  • Changes
  • BuildArtifacts

Each area has its own list of methods available

###Builds List SuccessfulBuildsByBuildConfigId(string buildConfigId); Build LastSuccessfulBuildByBuildConfigId(string buildConfigId); List FailedBuildsByBuildConfigId(string buildConfigId); Build LastFailedBuildByBuildConfigId(string buildConfigId); Build LastBuildByBuildConfigId(string buildConfigId); List ErrorBuildsByBuildConfigId(string buildConfigId); Build LastErrorBuildByBuildConfigId(string buildConfigId); List ByBuildConfigId(string buildConfigId); List ByConfigIdAndTag(string buildConfigId, string tag); List ByUserName(string userName); List ByBuildLocator(BuildLocator locator); List AllSinceDate(DateTime date); List AllBuildsOfStatusSinceDate(DateTime date, BuildStatus buildStatus); List NonSuccessfulBuildsForUser(string userName); Build LastBuildByAgent(string agentName);

###Projects List All(); Project ByName(string projectLocatorName); Project ById(string projectLocatorId); Project Details(Project project); Project Create(string projectName); void Delete(string projectName); void DeleteProjectParameter(string projectName, string parameterName); void SetProjectParameter(string projectName, string settingName, string settingValue);

###BuildConfigs List All(); BuildConfig ByConfigurationName(string buildConfigName); BuildConfig ByConfigurationId(string buildConfigId); BuildConfig ByProjectNameAndConfigurationName(string projectName, string buildConfigName); BuildConfig ByProjectNameAndConfigurationId(string projectName, string buildConfigId); BuildConfig ByProjectIdAndConfigurationName(string projectId, string buildConfigName); BuildConfig ByProjectIdAndConfigurationId(string projectId, string buildConfigId); List ByProjectId(string projectId); List ByProjectName(string projectName); BuildConfig CreateConfiguration(string projectName, string configurationName);

void SetConfigurationSetting(BuildTypeLocator locator, string settingName, string settingValue);
void PostRawArtifactDependency(BuildTypeLocator locator, string rawXml);
void PostRawBuildStep(BuildTypeLocator locator, string rawXml);
void PostRawBuildTrigger(BuildTypeLocator locator, string rawXml);
void SetConfigurationParameter(BuildTypeLocator locator, string key, string value);
void PostRawAgentRequirement(BuildTypeLocator locator, string rawXml);
void DeleteBuildStep(BuildTypeLocator locator, string buildStepId);
void DeleteArtifactDependency(BuildTypeLocator locator, string artifactDependencyId);
void DeleteAgentRequirement(BuildTypeLocator locator, string agentRequirementId);
void DeleteParameter(BuildTypeLocator locator, string parameterName);
void DeleteBuildTrigger(BuildTypeLocator locator, string buildTriggerId);

void SetBuildTypeTemplate(BuildTypeLocator locatorBuildType, BuildTypeLocator locatorTemplate);
void DeleteSnapshotDependency(BuildTypeLocator locator, string snapshotDependencyId);
void PostRawSnapshotDependency(BuildTypeLocator locator, XmlElement rawXml);
BuildConfig BuildType(BuildTypeLocator locator);

void DeleteConfiguration(BuildTypeLocator locator);
void DeleteAllBuildTypeParameters(BuildTypeLocator locator);
void PutAllBuildTypeParameters(BuildTypeLocator locator, IDictionary<string, string> parameters);
void DownloadConfiguration(BuildTypeLocator locator, Action<string> downloadHandler);

###ServerInformation Server ServerInfo(); List AllPlugins(); string TriggerServerInstanceBackup(BackupOptions backupOptions);

###Users List All(); User Details(string userName); List AllRolesByUserName(string userName); List AllGroupsByUserName(string userName); List AllUserGroups(); List AllUsersByUserGroup(string userGroupName); List AllUserRolesByUserGroup(string userGroupName); bool Create(string username, string name, string email, string password); bool AddPassword(string username, string password);

###Agents List All();

###VcsRoots List All(); VcsRoot ById(string vcsRootId); VcsRoot AttachVcsRoot(BuildTypeLocator locator, VcsRoot vcsRoot); void DetachVcsRoot(BuildTypeLocator locator, string vcsRootId); void SetVcsRootField(VcsRoot vcsRoot, VcsRootField field, object value);

###Changes List All(); Change ByChangeId(string id); Change LastChangeDetailByBuildConfigId(string buildConfigId); List ByBuildConfigId(string buildConfigId);

###BuildArtifacts void DownloadArtifactsByBuildId(string buildId, Action downloadHandler);


Copyright (c) 2013 Paul Stack (@stack72)

Thanks to the following contributors:

  • Barry Mooring (@codingbadger)
  • Simon Bartlett (@sibartlett)
  • Mike Larah (@MikeLarah)
  • Alexander Fast (@mizipzor)
  • Serge Baltic
  • Philipp Dolder
  • Mark deVilliers


C# API for TeamCity - Please note this has had major architectural changes. This will not be backwards compatible so careful when updating



Language:C# 100.0%