roninoss / create-expo-stack

CLI tool to initialize a React Native application with Expo. Provides options to include Typescript, file-based routing via Expo Router, configuration based routing via pure React Navigation, styling via Nativewind, Restyle, Unistyles, StyleSheets, or Tamagui, and/or backend as a service such as Firebase and Supabase.

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Not working with Bun v1.0.22

danstepanov opened this issue · comments


Expected behavior

App should load properly after being installed via bun ios

Actual behavior

App hangs on splashscreen (app icon image) upon running cd my-expo-app, npx expo prebuild, and bun ios


 npx create-expo-stack@latest --version
   ___  _ __  ___   __ _ | |_  ___
  / __|| '__|/ _ \ / _` || __|/ _ \
 | (__ | |  |  __/| (_| || |_|  __/
  \___||_|   \___| \__,_| \__|\___|
   ___ __  __ _ __    ___
  / _ \\ \/ /| '_ \  / _ \
 |  __/ >  < | |_) || (_) |
  \___|/_/\_\| .__/  \___/
       _     |_|        _
  ___ | |_  __ _   ___ | | __
 / __|| __|/ _` | / __|| |/ /
 \__ \| |_| (_| || (__ |   <
 |___/ \__|\__,_| \___||_|\_\

┌  Let's get started!
◇  What do you want to name your project?
│  my-expo-app
◇  Would you like to use TypeScript with this project?
│  Yes
Good call, now using TypeScript! 🚀
We've detected bun v1.0.22 as your preferred package manager.
Would you like to continue using it?
│  Yes
◇  What would you like to use for Navigation?
│  Expo Router
◇  What type of navigation would you like to use?
│  Drawer + Tabs
◇  What would you like to use for styling?
│  NativeWindUI
◇  Which components would you like to explore?
│  Action Sheet, Activity View, Avatar, Bottom Sheet, Context Menu, Date Picker, Dropdown Menu, Picker, Progress Indicator, Ratings Indicator,
Segmented Control, Selectable Text, Slider, Text, Toggle
You'll be styling with ease using NativeWindUI!
◇  What would you like to use for authentication?
│  None
No problem, skipping authentication for now.
◇  Do you want to setup EAS
│  No
No problem, skipping eas for now.
◇  Would you like to save this configuration for future use?
│  No

Your project configuration:
  projectName: 'my-expo-app',
  packages: [
      name: 'expo-router',
      type: 'navigation',
      options: { type: 'drawer + tabs' }
      name: 'nativewindui',
      type: 'styling',
      options: {
        selectedComponents: [
          'action-sheet',       'activity-view',
          'avatar',             'bottom-sheet',
          'context-menu',       'date-picker',
          'dropdown-menu',      'picker',
          'progress-indicator', 'ratings-indicator',
          'segmented-control',  'selectable-text',
          'slider',             'text',
  flags: {
    noGit: false,
    noInstall: false,
    overwrite: false,
    importAlias: true,
    packageManager: 'bun',
    eas: false

To recreate this project, run:
  npx create-expo-stack my-expo-app --expo-router --drawer+tabs --nativewindui --bun
◇  Project initialized!
◇  Base assets copied!
◇  Dependencies installed!
◇  Latest version of Expo installed!
◇  Packages updated!
◇  Project files formatted!
◇  Git initialized!

Success! 🎉 Now, just run the following to get started:

1. cd my-expo-app
2. npx expo prebuild
3. bun ios

└  If you're looking to move even faster, I may be able to help!

Is this still relevant? Regardless, I think our ajv issue has been resolved by Bun upstream, and we could update the message that prints out when users are using bun. Acceptable versions could be identified here: oven-sh/bun#8406 (comment)


we should try running a build locally using bun v1.1.12 with:

  • Expo prebuild
  • EAS local
  • EAS cloud

Once those are confirmed to work, we can close this out and adjust the CLI messaging

testing this now on bun 1.1.20

running prebuild success


Eas build android

image image

eas build ios


running expo run:ios via bun also works

image image

running expo run:android

image image

local eas build ios


local eas build android


test project was generated with myTestProject --expo-router --nativewind --bun --overwrite --eas

for this project everything seems to be working well


@dannyhw great, can you adjust the messaging to ensure users are using the minimum requisite version of bun?

Yes will update soon