roninoss / create-expo-stack

CLI tool to initialize a React Native application with Expo. Provides options to include Typescript, file-based routing via Expo Router, configuration based routing via pure React Navigation, styling via Nativewind, Restyle, Unistyles, StyleSheets, or Tamagui, and/or backend as a service such as Firebase and Supabase.

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Fresh app fails running or prebuild for ios

mwarger opened this issue · comments

Expected Behavior

The app should run after creation

Current Behavior

⚠️ Something went wrong running pod install in the ios directory.
Command pod install failed.
└─ Cause: Unable to find a specification for ExpoModulesCore depended upon by EXFont

You have either:

  • mistyped the name or version.
  • not added the source repo that hosts the Podspec to your Podfile.

Possible Solution

Based on some googling, could be possibly related to #176

Steps to Reproduce

Run npx create-expo-stack@latest --no-git and choose options resulting in npx create-expo-stack mobile --expo-router --tabs --tamagui --no-git
cd mobile
npx expo prebuild


Which version of the cli are you running?

from what I tested it fails on the new version 2.3.15 but works on 2.3.14. Seems like the override fixed one issue but opened up another...
I can't get to the bottom of it :/

Which version of the cli are you running?

@danstepanov What cli do you mean?

@finnbayer @danstepanov FYI - when running create-expo-stack@2.3.14 I do not see issues. Prebuild and IOS work fine.


I'm going to add some conditional hacky shit to get this to work for now until we are aware of a more permanent fix

@danstepanov @finnbayer My mistake, on a second look with this, on the previous version, I end up with the same issue as was reported previously (#176) when running the ios app. Sorry for the confusion here.

ERROR  TypeError: 0, _expoModulesCore.requireOptionalNativeModule is not a function (it is undefined), js engine: hermes

So on 2.3.14, I end up with the same issue as #176. On 2.3.15, I see the issue reported here in #180.


@mwarger are you in the discord? Might be better to further debug there for more instant comms.


This issue pertains specifically to trying to use the dev client. We are in the process of implementing #177 which will resolve this entirely. In the meantime, I'll play around and see if I can get a hacky workaround.

Running your project via the built in node scripts (npm run ios and npm run android) should work fine though (via Expo Go).