roninoss / create-expo-stack

CLI tool to initialize a React Native application with Expo. Provides options to include Typescript, file-based routing via Expo Router, configuration based routing via pure React Navigation, styling via Nativewind, Restyle, Unistyles, StyleSheets, or Tamagui, and/or backend as a service such as Firebase and Supabase.

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Parsing error on fresh project creation

ardaydilek opened this issue · comments

Creation Command

npx create-expo-stack movie-star --expo-router --tamagui --import-alias

When a project is started with this command, a parsing error is returned on page 404 ([...unmatched.tsx]). The project starts with the square brackets of the options in the <Stack.Screen> not closed.




looking into this


fixed and released in version 2.3.13, should be available on npm (out now)