danstepanov / create-expo-stack

CLI tool to initialize a React Native application with Expo. Provides options to include Typescript, file-based routing via Expo Router, configuration based routing via pure React Navigation, styling via Nativewind, Restyle, Unistyles, StyleSheets, or Tamagui, and/or backend as a service such as Firebase and Supabase.

Home Page:https://createexpostack.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

yarn + expo-router breaks hot refresh

frankcalise opened this issue · comments


Hot refresh is broken when using yarn as the package manager and expo-router for navigation.

Steps to reproduce

  1. init a project via create-expo-stack ces-hotrefresh --yarn --exporouter --stylesheet --stack
  2. make changes to a screen and save

observe the updates are not made until the app is reloaded

Other notes

  • With react-navigation, hot reload is working with yarn
  • These configurations also work with expo-router just fine:
    • create-expo-stack ces-hotrefresh --bun --exporouter --stylesheet --stack
    • create-expo-stack ces-hotrefresh --npm --exporouter --stylesheet --stack

This is related to the resolutions specified in package.json. If you don't lock metro to 0.76.0 things seem to work