danschultz / frappe

A Dart package for functional reactive programming

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calling distinct seems to make stream no longer a broadcast stream

Andersmholmgren opened this issue · comments


EventStream _createReloadStream(Property<bool> isActive,
                                Property<bool> isDirty,
                                ControllableEventStream reloadRequestedStream) {
  final aAndD = isActive.and(isDirty).where((b) => b).asStream().distinct();

  aAndD.listen((_) => print('dirty and active')); // prints
  aAndD.listen((_) => print('dirty and active2')); // never printed


changing aAndD to

  final aAndD = isActive.and(isDirty).where((b) => b).asStream().distinct().asBroadcastStream();

fixes the problem, but surely that shouldn't be required. I can't see a valid use case for FRP with non broadcast streams. And changing from broadcast to non broadcast when calling distinct is not intuitive to me so guessing it is a bug

I have a feeling this is related to #17

Closing. This is a dup of #17.