danschultz / browser_detect.dart

A Dart package that provides information about the user's web browser.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

IE 11

dvorapa opened this issue · comments

Thank you for your perfect package! It has only one bug:
It could not detect IE 11. I tried it on a lot of devices with Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1, but with no success. Could you please fix it? I don't know if this bug is caused by changing the user agent string and other navigator values in IE 11 (now it isn't MSIE, but only IE and sometimes only "Trident/7.0 rv:11.0" - but I don't know it exactly) or if the bug is caused by moving Dart to stable version 1.0 (probably not, but it should be inspected too). Please repair it.

Will take a look. Thanks for the report.