dankrusi / WindowsVirtualDesktopHelper

App to help manage Virtual Desktops for Windows 10 and Windows 11

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Question / Feature Request - Can we use a hotkey to move the current window to another virtual desktop

JPStrydom opened this issue · comments

This tool looks amazing! Thanks for making it.

I previously used MoveToDesktop and then VD to move the currently focused window to another virtual desktop with a hotkey, but it seems like these libraries don't work anymore due to Windows updates.

Would it be possible to add such functionality to this project, or is it perhaps already supported?

What I had in mind is to use a set of hotkeys to move the currently focused window. For example, Ctrl + Shift + Win + ← moves the currently focused window to the left virtual desktop and switches to that virtual desktop - similarly Ctrl + Shift + Win + → moves the currently focused window to the right virtual desktop.

Hope this gets some traction 👍

@JPStrydom @dankrusi

Hi, yes i second this, it would be a wonderful feature.

Example to move a focused window to another virtual desktop:

Switch focused window to virtual workspace 2 - Alt+shift 2
Switch focused window to virtual workspace 3 - Alt+shift 3
Switch focused window to virtual workspace 4 - Alt+shift 4

Best regards

Hi @JPStrydom @ComputerCulture , if you can point me to some Windows documentation for these features or some open source project links on github that have such similar features, I might consider it. Many of the virtual desktop features are undocumented by Microsoft, and at the moment its enough of a task to keep up with them changing the secret APIs constantly... Not sure if maintaining such extra features is the best idea. But I will look into it if you point me in the right direction. Best, -dan

Hi, @dankrusi

  1. Thank you for your reply. There are few programs that move the current window to another virtual desktop. Most of the programs i know of, also include window tiling, so ill keep looking for other examples that might give an idea how to implement this in your software.

I have found one old example, thought not perfect it still works.


Maybe you can improve on this?

  1. Dan would it also be possible to implement this idea below.

Using keybindings to switch to new virtual desktops.
This would be really quick way to move around virtual desktops.

Switch to virtual workspace 1 - Alt 1
Switch to virtual workspace 2 - Alt 2
Switch to virtual workspace 3 - Alt 3
Switch to virtual workspace 4 - Alt 4

Thank you Dan

Best regards

See v1.15

I will add a comment to this. The feature I'm looking for is in the same area.
I'd like a hotkey for switching to next/previous desktop. E.g. using ALT+Q and ALT+W

This feature is found in the VirtuaWin below, which I am using now.


Hi @Pasgaard

Just interested to know are you asking about hotkeys to just switch to another virtual desktop, or hotkeys which sends the active window to another selected virtual desktop


Hi @Pasgaard

Just interested to know are you asking about hotkeys to just switch to another virtual desktop, or hotkeys which sends the active window to another selected virtual desktop


That was a fast response!
For now I only need to set new hotkeys for a switch beteeen desktops. We cannot modify the existing ones using a combination of keys placed in each end of the keyboard.

Does anyone else want the possibility to set a custom hotkey for switching vdesktop forwards/backwards?

For example the settings could be:
Ctrl+Left/Right, Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right, Alt+Q/W, Ctrl+Alt+Q/W

Hi @dankrusi

I have found software which sends the active window to another selected virtual desktop. Maybe this enhancement can be can be added at some stage.

The project seems to have stopped many years ago.


Thank you Dan


Moving window from one desktop to another via hotkeys is explained here: https://superuser.com/questions/1685845/moving-current-window-to-another-desktop-in-windows-11-using-shortcut-keys.
I'd love to have the option inside the Windows Virtual Desktop Helper, but if I could choose I would prefere the context-menu option that https://github.com/Eun/MoveToDesktop has to offer.

Hi @matzter
The only problem that i can see using the context-menu option type that (MoveToDesktop)
Seems Web Browsers don't have that kind menu option that i can see.

Would also like to see this feature (sending active window to another vd) implemented.

https://github.com/hwtnb/SylphyHornPlusWin11 this project has an implementation of this functionality

Sadly, the project itself is in kinda stale state for the past 3-4 months therefore I'm looking for an alternative and found that your app is pretty simple yet powerful, just need a couple of extras so I can stick to the workflow that I'm used too.

Great work btw!