dankogai / swift-json

Even Swiftier JSON Handler

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to assign it to variable?

dzpt opened this issue · comments


I declared one global variable as NSDirectory here.
var apidata = NSDictionary

and in one method, i assign it value:
self.apidata = JSON.fromURL("(apiurl)");

Error occurred:
'NSDictionary' is not identical to 'AnyObject'

So how can i solve it? What type of your method return?


Try it as array:
var list = []
list = jsondata["data"].asArray!

Got error: 2014-09-02 20:02:30.144 Prj[1444:28151] *** NSForwarding: warning: object 0x79675250 of class 'Prj.JSON' does not implement methodSignatureForSelector: -- trouble ahead
Unrecognized selector -[Prj.JSON isNSString__]

I have to write this: var list = json["data"].asArray.
but it not global variable, i only can use in method

I really don't know how to set parsed json value to an global array or directory.

Curious about this as well. Anyone have input?

Me too!

I am having no trouble typing my data as JSON, like:

let data: JSON = JSON("...")

I think this is in keeping with @dankogai's "vision" of subclassing JSON to strongly type the underlying schema-less data: it's natural to write data: MyJSONData = MyJSONData(...), etc.