dankogai / swift-json

Even Swiftier JSON Handler

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to browse a specific JSON object

thierrybx opened this issue · comments


I can create an object from a string of the following style:

let msg="[{"size":"37","id":"127"},{"size":"38","id":"129"}]"

I want to read each object, object by object from a JSON array object to do some stuff

var obj:[AnyObject] = []
var json = JSON(obj)
if let dataFromString = msg.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: false) {
    NSLog("%@ - %@", "POST_MESSAGE", " ** List of ID **")
    json = JSON(data: dataFromString)
    //// The following two lines work
    NSLog("%@ - %@", "POST_json", json[0]["id"].toString())
    NSLog("%@ - %@", "POST_json", json[1]["id"].toString())

    //////////////   BUT when i try to get objects one by one, it is not working...
    for o in json{
        ///// Not Working HERE
        NSLog("%@ - %@", "POST_json EACH", o["id"].toString())


do you know how I can get to know the number of objects in my JSON array? (Here 2)
And also, how can I browse Object by Object? (json[n])

Thank you in advance, I tried many combinations without success ...

PS: Sorry for my poor english

Edit: I found for the number of objects: json.length

but i still not found for the loop... maybe using asArray?