dankogai / swift-json

Even Swiftier JSON Handler

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Nested JSON types crash printing

ncalexan opened this issue · comments

This surprised me:

let inner: JSON = JSON([:])
let outer: JSON = JSON(["inner":inner])
outer.toString() // Crashes!

I expected this to be equivalent to having outer: Dictionary<String, AnyObject>. Am I confused? Is this an unreasonable expectation?

@dankogai any word on why this happens or what could be done? asDictionary: [String:JSON]? very carefully wraps value types in JSON to preserve the access interface so I doubt we'd want to make asDictionary: [String:AnyObject]?.

Thank you. Fixed in fd5ae63 .

The reason is that JSON itself not NSObject which can directory be passed to NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(). And making JSON NSObject is not a good idea since it is a Swift object. Instead of inheriting JSON I wrote a couple of extra .init()'s that when it is either an arrary or dictionary of JSON, it unwraps the object.

Dan the Maintainer Thereof