danish2210 / xero-oauth2-omniauth-strategy

An Omniauth strategy created for Xero API OAuth 2 based on the generic Omniauth OAuth 2 strategy.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



via RubyGem.org: TO DO

via local install:

  1. download or clone xero-ruby-oauth2, put it next to your rails app directory
  2. in your ruby application (rails or sinatra) declare this local dependency in Gemfile with relative path (or absolute if you like), like so:

gem 'omniauth-xero-oauth2', :path => '../xero-ruby-oauth2/omniauth'


In the omniauth initializer file (e.g. config/initializers/omniauth.rb), add the following:

ENV['xero_api_client_id'] = '5BF816xxxx'
ENV['xero_api_client_secret'] = 'Hgji76MyN2xxxx'

Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
    scope: 'openid profile email files accounting.transactions accounting.transactions.read accounting.reports.read accounting.journals.read accounting.settings accounting.settings.read accounting.contacts accounting.contacts.read accounting.attachments accounting.attachments.read offline_access',

#by default the redirect_uri is set to /auth/xero_oauth2/callback

Noticed above that the client_id and client_secret are stored in environment variables to allow other controllers access to this. A typical use case would be using these to to refresh the access token and refresh token in the OAuth 2.0 flow.

If you would like to change the default redirect_uri to a custom one, you will need to add the folowing in the provider() input configuration:

redirect_uri: 'https://your.apps/callback/url'

A successful auth_hash looks like the below one. This follows the Omniauth auth_hash schema.

  {"name"=>"Jenks Guo",

This ruby on rails Xero OAuth2 demo application is a good example of how to use this gem: TO DO


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/XeroAPI/xero-ruby-oauth2/.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


An Omniauth strategy created for Xero API OAuth 2 based on the generic Omniauth OAuth 2 strategy.


Language:Ruby 100.0%