danijar / dreamerv2

Mastering Atari with Discrete World Models

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Input shape incompatible

RyanRTJJ opened this issue · comments

Hi authors, thanks for your paper and code. I was trying to test dreamerv2 on retro games, and I spent a really long time looking at the code and trying to debug, but I have no clue what's going on.

I ran python3 dreamerv2/train.py --logdir ~/logdir/atari_pong/dreamerv2/1 --configs defaults retro --task retro_Airstriker-Genesis, and the output seemed good for a while:

Logdir /Users/ryantjj/logdir/atari_pong/dreamerv2/1
Create envs.
make_env(): suite is retro.
task: Airstriker-Genesis

This shows that I parsed the arguments correctly, and also hooked up gym-retro, and edited the configs.yaml and envs.py files to support retro.

But after some iterations it seems, I run into this error:

    /dreamerv2/agent.py:79 train  *
        metrics.update(self._task_behavior.train(self.wm, start, reward))
    /dreamerv2/agent.py:212 train  *
        feat, state, action, disc = world_model.imagine(self.actor, start, hor)
    /dreamerv2/agent.py:150 step  *
        succ = self.rssm.img_step(state, action)
    ./common/other.py:41 static_scan  *
        last = fn(last, inp)
    ./common/nets.py:105 img_step  *
        x = self.get('img_in', tfkl.Dense, self._hidden, self._act)(x)
    /Users/ryantjj/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/engine/base_layer.py:1013 __call__  **
        input_spec.assert_input_compatibility(self.input_spec, inputs, self.name)
    /Users/ryantjj/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/engine/input_spec.py:255 assert_input_compatibility
        ' but received input with shape ' + display_shape(x.shape))

    ValueError: Input 0 of layer dense is incompatible with the layer: expected axis -1 of input shape to have value 1042 but received input with shape (2450, 1036)

So I printed the shapes of these variables in nets.py:105 img_step by inserting the print statements in this function as shown:

  def img_step(self, prev_state, prev_action, sample=True):
    prev_stoch = self._cast(prev_state['stoch'])
    prev_action = self._cast(prev_action)
    if self._discrete:
      shape = prev_stoch.shape[:-2] + [self._stoch * self._discrete]
      prev_stoch = tf.reshape(prev_stoch, shape)
    x = tf.concat([prev_stoch, prev_action], -1)
    print("prev_stoch.shape: " + str(prev_stoch.shape))    # OVER HERE 
    print("prev_action.shape: " + str(prev_action.shape))   # OVER HERE
    x = self.get('img_in', tfkl.Dense, self._hidden, self._act)(x)
    deter = prev_state['deter']
    x, deter = self._cell(x, [deter])
    deter = deter[0]  # Keras wraps the state in a list.
    x = self.get('img_out', tfkl.Dense, self._hidden, self._act)(x)
    stats = self._suff_stats_layer('img_dist', x)
    dist = self.get_dist(stats)
    stoch = dist.sample() if sample else dist.mode()
    prior = {'stoch': stoch, 'deter': deter, **stats}
    return prior

And these are the terminal outputs when I run the code:

Create agent.
prev_stoch.shape: (50, 1024)
prev_action.shape: (50, 18)
prev_stoch.shape: (50, 1024)
prev_action.shape: (50, 18)
prev_stoch.shape: (50, 1024)
prev_action.shape: (50, 18)
Found 19975379 model parameters.
prev_stoch.shape: (2450, 1024)
prev_action.shape: (2450, 12)
Traceback (most recent call last):

Any clue as to why the prev_action.shape changed from 18 to 12? Thanks for getting through this really long post. I really appreciate your help! :)

I think this means that your input images are not of shape 64x64x3. Can you verify that's the case?

Closing due to inactivity. Feel free to comment below if this you still have a question about this.

Just stumbled on this issue and I guess OP has solved the issue, but in case someone runs into a similar issue: My guess is that the logdir had a checkpoint from an older experiment on another task which was loaded (--logdir ~/logdir/atari_pong/dreamerv2/1 suggests the logdir is being reused) causing a mismatch between action space sizes.