danijar / dreamerv2

Mastering Atari with Discrete World Models

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Question about advantage calculation

leeacord opened this issue · comments


I have a question regarding the implementation of the advantage calculation. The code snippet is as follows:

def actor_loss(self, seq, target):
# Actions: 0 [a1] [a2] a3
# ^ | ^ | ^ |
# / v / v / v
# States: [z0]->[z1]-> z2 -> z3
# Targets: t0 [t1] [t2]
# Baselines: [v0] [v1] v2 v3
# Entropies: [e1] [e2]
# Weights: [ 1] [w1] w2 w3
# Loss: l1 l2
metrics = {}
# Two states are lost at the end of the trajectory, one for the boostrap
# value prediction and one because the corresponding action does not lead
# anywhere anymore. One target is lost at the start of the trajectory
# because the initial state comes from the replay buffer.
policy = self.actor(tf.stop_gradient(seq['feat'][:-2]))
if self.config.actor_grad == 'dynamics':
objective = target[1:]
elif self.config.actor_grad == 'reinforce':
baseline = self._target_critic(seq['feat'][:-2]).mode()
advantage = tf.stop_gradient(target[1:] - baseline)
action = tf.stop_gradient(seq['action'][1:-1])
objective = policy.log_prob(action) * advantage

advantage = tf.stop_gradient(target[1:] - self._target_critic(seq['feat'][:-2]).mode())

Based on my understanding:

  • seq['feat'] contains time steps from 0 to horizon.
  • target contains time steps from 0 to horizon-1, since the value at the last step is used as a bootstrap for lambda_return.
  • Therefore, baseline in Line 271 includes time steps from 0 to horizon-2, and target[1:] includes time steps from 1 to horizon-1.

If I understand correctly, the code uses $V_{t+1}^{\lambda} - v_\xi\left(\hat{z}_t\right)$ to calculate the advantage,

not $V_t^{\lambda} - v_{\xi}(\hat{z}_t)$ as stated in the paper?

I am very impressed with the Dreamer series of reinforcement learning algorithms. Thank you for your hard work!