danielrincon-m / spring-boot-data-mongodb

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Spring Boot Data with MongoDB

Learning Objectives

  • Explain what MongoDB is.
  • Explain the difference between SQL and NoSQL.
  • Create a MongoDB Cluster on Atlas.
  • Connect your Spring Boot project with a MongoDB Cluster.

Detail Orientation 🤹🏽

Read the following document Attention to details

Main Topics

  • NoSQL.
  • MongoDB.
  • Cluster.

Codelab 🧪

🗣️ "I hear and I forget I see and I remember I do and I understand." Confucius

Part 1: Creating your Atlas account and first cluster:

If you haven't created your MongoDB Cluster follow part 1 - 4:

Part 2: Connecting my MongoDB Cluster with Spring Boot

  1. Login into your MongoDB Atlas account

  2. Click connect on the cluster you created on Part 1:

  3. Select Connect your application:

  4. Choose the Java driver, select the latest version and copy the connection string:

  5. Replace the password on the connection string with the password used when creating your database user.

  6. Add an Environment Variable to the application.properties file to store the MongoDB URI:

  7. Add the environment variable to IntelliJ Idea by editing the Run/Debug Configurations:

  8. Add the Spring Boot starter data MongoDB dependency to your build.gradle:

       dependencies {
            implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'
            implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb'
            testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'
  9. Run your project and verify that the connection is successful.

Part 3: Implementing the MongoDB Service

  1. Create a new package called repository.

  2. Create a new class called UserDocument:


      import org.springframework.data.annotation.Id;
      import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.index.Indexed;
      import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.mapping.Document;
      import java.util.Date;
      public class UserDocument
         String id;
         String name;
         @Indexed( unique = true )
         String email;
         String lastName;
         Date createdAt;
         public UserDocument()


        class User(
           @Id var id: String?,
           var name: String,
           var lastName: String,
           @Indexed(unique = true)
           var email: String,
           var createdAt: Date
  3. Create a new interface called UserRepository inside the repository package:


      import org.springframework.data.mongodb.repository.MongoRepository;
      public interface UserRepository extends MongoRepository<UserDocument, String>


        interface UserRepository: MongoRepository<UserDocument, String>
  4. Create a new UserService implementation called UserServiceMongoDB and inject inside the UserRepository:


       import java.util.List;
       public class UserServiceMongoDB
       implements UserService
           private final UserRepository userRepository;
           public UserServiceMongoDB(@Autowired UserRepository userRepository )
               this.userRepository = userRepository;
           public User create( User user )
               return null;
           public User findById( String id )
               return null;
           public List<User> all()
               return null;
           public boolean deleteById( String id )
               return false;
           public User update( UserDto userDto, String id )
               return null;


        class UserServiceMongoDB(@Autowired private val userRepository: UserRepository) : UserService {
        override fun create(user: User): User? {
        return null
            override fun findById(id: String): User? {
                return null
            override fun all(): List<User>? {
                return null
            override fun deleteById(id: String): Boolean {
                return false
            override fun update(userDto: UserDto, id: String): User? {
                return null
  5. Implement the methods of the UserServiceMongoDB using the UserRepository.

  6. Remove the @Service annotation from the UserServiceHashMap and add it to the UserServiceMongoDB.

  7. Test your API and verify that your data is stored in your cluster.

Challenge Yourself: Implement complex queries using the Spring Data Query Methods

  1. Modify the UserService interface adding the following methods:


        List<User> findUsersWithNameOrLastNameLike(String queryText);
        List<User> findUsersCreatedAfter(Date startDate);


       fun findUsersWithNameOrLastNameLike(queryText: String): List<User>
       fun findUsersCreatedAfter(startDate: Date): List<User>

Tip: take a look at the official documenation and learn how to create custom queries with Spring Data



Language:Java 100.0%