DanielOliver / FLexer

Simple Lexer and Parser in F#

Home Page:https://flexer.olivercoding.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


FLexer is a F# Lexer and Parser dedicated to ease of use and expressiveness in creating custom recursive-descent parsers.


FLexer is a library combining together a Lexer and Parser, to allow ease of construction in custom recursive-descent parsers with infinite backtrack. When searching for a result to "accept", FLexer functions as a depth first search in completely traversing any path, before backtracking and trying a different route.

FLexer is NOT a parser generator. Rather, it's up the user to write the code for the parser. This puts the responsibility of writing a performance optimal parser on the developer. The happy path of parsing will be "right first try" and very fast; however, the potential to backtrack to the worst case still exists.

Reasons to use FLexer

  • Each component of the recursive descent parser may be tested in isolation, after all, it's just functions.
  • It's simple to get started. There's no parser generator or external tools to integrate into the build pipeline, it's just F#.
  • Cross-platform with the core written in .NET Standard 2.0 and no dependencies.
  • Complete customization of the parser is available at any step, such as inserting validation code inline with the parser or even using parsed data to change the parser's functionality.

Reasons to NOT use FLexer

  • Parser generators can suffice for most requirements.

Build & Release

Appveyor Nuget GitHub
Build status NuGet GitHub release

Getting Started

git clone https://github.com/DanielOliver/FLexer.git
cd src/FLexer.Example
dotnet run


Running the tests

git clone https://github.com/DanielOliver/FLexer.git
cd src/FLexer.Tests
dotnet test

Example Code

module FLexer.Example.BasicSQL

open FLexer.Core
open FLexer.Core.Tokenizer

/// ######  Lexer words & regex  ######
let SELECT = Consumers.TakeWord "SELECT" true
let FROM = Consumers.TakeWord "FROM" true
let WHITESPACE = Consumers.TakeRegex "(\s|[\r\n])+"
let COMMA = Consumers.TakeChar ','
let PERIOD = Consumers.TakeChar '.'
let OPTIONAL_WHITESPACE = Consumers.TakeRegex "(\s|[\r\n])*"
let IDENTIFIER = Consumers.TakeRegex "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*"

/// ######  Parser Identifiers  ######
type TokenType =
    | Select
    | ColumnName of string
    | ColumnIdentifier of string
    | From
    | TableName of string

type SQLQueryColumn =
    | Column of string
    | ColumnWithTableName of ColumnName: string * TableName: string

/// ######  Output of parsing  ######
type SQLQuery =
    {   Columns: SQLQueryColumn list
        Table: string

/// ######  Parser Functions  ######
let AcceptColumnName status continuation =
    Classifiers.sub continuation {
        let! status = Classifier.map TokenType.ColumnName IDENTIFIER status
        let columnName = status.ConsumedText
        return SQLQueryColumn.Column(columnName), status

let AcceptColumnNameWithTableName status continuation =
    Classifiers.sub continuation {
        let! status = Classifier.map TokenType.TableName IDENTIFIER status
        let tableName = status.ConsumedText
        let! status = Classifier.discard PERIOD status
        let! status = Classifier.map TokenType.ColumnName IDENTIFIER status
        let columnName = status.ConsumedText
        return SQLQueryColumn.ColumnWithTableName(columnName, tableName), status

let AcceptAllColumnTypes status continuation =
    Classifiers.sub continuation {
        let! status = Classifier.discard OPTIONAL_WHITESPACE status
        let! status = Classifier.discard COMMA status
        let! status = Classifier.discard OPTIONAL_WHITESPACE status

        let! (value, status) = ClassifierFunction.PickOne [ AcceptColumnNameWithTableName; AcceptColumnName ] status
        return value, status

let AcceptSQLQuery status =
    Classifiers.root() {
        // Add to token list, but don't return TokenType
        let! status = Classifier.name TokenType.Select SELECT status
        let! status = Classifier.discard WHITESPACE status

        // Add to token list, and return list of TokenTypes. Uses above parsing expression
        let! (column1, status) = ClassifierFunction.PickOne [ AcceptColumnName; AcceptColumnNameWithTableName ] status
        let! (moreColumns, status) = ClassifierFunction.ZeroOrMore AcceptAllColumnTypes status
        let allColumns = column1 :: moreColumns

        // Ignore whitespace
        let! status = Classifier.discard WHITESPACE status
        let! status = Classifier.name TokenType.From FROM status
        let! status = Classifier.discard WHITESPACE status

        // Deconstruct the returned TokenType
        let! status = Classifier.map TokenType.TableName IDENTIFIER status
        let tableName = status.ConsumedText

        // Return the resulting of this parsing expression.
        return {
            SQLQuery.Columns = allColumns
            SQLQuery.Table = tableName
        }, status

let ExampleTester = ClassifierStatus<string>.OfString >> AcceptSQLQuery

/// True if the string should be accepted, false if should be rejected.
let ExampleStrings =
    [   true, "SELECT  LastName, FirstName, ID  , BirthDay  FROM Contacts"
        false, "SELECT Column1, Column2,,,NoColumn FROM Contacts"
        true, "SELECT  Contacts.LastName, FirstName, Contacts.ID  , BirthDay  FROM Contacts"
        true, "SELECT  LastName  FROM Contacts"
        true, "SELECT  Contacts.LastName  FROM Contacts"
        true, "SELECT  LastName , Contacts.FirstName FROM Contacts"

let Example() =
    |> List.iter(fun (_, stringToTest) ->
        |> ExampleTester
        |> (FLexer.Example.Utility.PrintBuilderResults (printfn "%A") stringToTest)

//   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accepted "SELECT  LastName, FirstName, ID  , BirthDay  FROM Contacts"
// {Columns =
//   [Column "LastName"; Column "FirstName"; Column "ID"; Column "BirthDay"];
//  Table = "Contacts";}
// --  Consumed Tokens  ----------------------------------------------------------------
//  StartChar  |     EndChar  |                  Text  |                  Classification
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//          0  |           5  |                SELECT  |  Select
//          8  |          15  |              LastName  |  ColumnName "LastName"
//         18  |          26  |             FirstName  |  ColumnName "FirstName"
//         29  |          30  |                    ID  |  ColumnName "ID"
//         35  |          42  |              BirthDay  |  ColumnName "BirthDay"
//         45  |          48  |                  FROM  |  From
//         50  |          57  |              Contacts  |  TableName "Contacts"
//   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rejected "SELECT Column1, Column2,,,NoColumn FROM Contacts"
// LookaheadFailure
// --  Consumed Text  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//                           Text     Length
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                         SELECT  |           6
//                   (Whitespace)  |           1
//                        Column1  |           7
//                              ,  |           1
//                   (Whitespace)  |           1
//                        Column2  |           7
//                              ,  |           1
//   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accepted "SELECT  Contacts.LastName, FirstName, Contacts.ID  , BirthDay  FROM Contacts"
// {Columns =
//   [ColumnWithTableName ("LastName","Contacts"); Column "FirstName";
//    ColumnWithTableName ("ID","Contacts"); Column "BirthDay"];
//  Table = "Contacts";}
// --  Consumed Tokens  ----------------------------------------------------------------
//  StartChar  |     EndChar  |                  Text  |                  Classification
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//          0  |           5  |                SELECT  |  Select
//          8  |          15  |              Contacts  |  TableName "Contacts"
//         17  |          24  |              LastName  |  ColumnName "LastName"
//         27  |          35  |             FirstName  |  ColumnName "FirstName"
//         38  |          45  |              Contacts  |  TableName "Contacts"
//         47  |          48  |                    ID  |  ColumnName "ID"
//         53  |          60  |              BirthDay  |  ColumnName "BirthDay"
//         63  |          66  |                  FROM  |  From
//         68  |          75  |              Contacts  |  TableName "Contacts"
//   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accepted "SELECT  LastName  FROM Contacts"
// {Columns = [Column "LastName"];
//  Table = "Contacts";}
// --  Consumed Tokens  ----------------------------------------------------------------
//  StartChar  |     EndChar  |                  Text  |                  Classification
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//          0  |           5  |                SELECT  |  Select
//          8  |          15  |              LastName  |  ColumnName "LastName"
//         18  |          21  |                  FROM  |  From
//         23  |          30  |              Contacts  |  TableName "Contacts"
//   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accepted "SELECT  Contacts.LastName  FROM Contacts"
// {Columns = [ColumnWithTableName ("LastName","Contacts")];
//  Table = "Contacts";}
// --  Consumed Tokens  ----------------------------------------------------------------
//  StartChar  |     EndChar  |                  Text  |                  Classification
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//          0  |           5  |                SELECT  |  Select
//          8  |          15  |              Contacts  |  TableName "Contacts"
//         17  |          24  |              LastName  |  ColumnName "LastName"
//         27  |          30  |                  FROM  |  From
//         32  |          39  |              Contacts  |  TableName "Contacts"
//   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accepted "SELECT  LastName , Contacts.FirstName FROM Contacts"
// {Columns = [Column "LastName"; ColumnWithTableName ("FirstName","Contacts")];
//  Table = "Contacts";}
// --  Consumed Tokens  ----------------------------------------------------------------
//  StartChar  |     EndChar  |                  Text  |                  Classification
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//          0  |           5  |                SELECT  |  Select
//          8  |          15  |              LastName  |  ColumnName "LastName"
//         19  |          26  |              Contacts  |  TableName "Contacts"
//         28  |          36  |             FirstName  |  ColumnName "FirstName"
//         38  |          41  |                  FROM  |  From
//         43  |          50  |              Contacts  |  TableName "Contacts"

Known issues

  • Complex scenarios may have stackoverflow because of a missed tail-call optimization. Documentation of these scenarios and a fix needed.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


Simple Lexer and Parser in F#


License:MIT License


Language:F# 78.0%Language:PowerShell 10.1%Language:C# 8.0%Language:JavaScript 2.8%Language:HTML 0.7%Language:CSS 0.4%