danielmiessler / fabric

fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI. It provides a modular framework for solving specific problems using a crowdsourced set of AI prompts that can be used anywhere.

Home Page:https://danielmiessler.com/p/fabric-origin-story

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Siyfion opened this issue · comments

What happened?

I'm not sure if this is a bug, or I'm just being stupid, but when I try to make the ollama installed llama2:latest model the default I get an error telling me that it's not a valid model, and to check the list. Which is exactly how it's represented on the list. 🤷‍♂️

Version check

  • Yes I was.

Relevant log output

No response

Relevant screenshots (optional)

Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 14 43 18

That worked. Odd. 🤔

Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 15 12 36

While that works, I'd still say that there is a bug there somewhere, as I cant make it the default.

That worked as a temporary solution - thanks again @snafu4!

let me look into this

OK I just pushed a fix. Please let me know if its working for you guys

Looks good to me now! 👍

Screenshot 2024-04-12 at 08 56 01