danielmiessler / fabric

fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI. It provides a modular framework for solving specific problems using a crowdsourced set of AI prompts that can be used anywhere.

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[Feature request]: Adding a User Interface (UI) for Managing Fabric Framework

Yash-1511 opened this issue · comments

What do you need?

As an avid user of the Fabric framework, I've found it to be an incredibly powerful and versatile tool for augmenting humans using AI. The command-line application makes it easy to try out various prompts with different commands and customize the AI solutions to specific problems.

However, as a feature request, I would like to propose adding a user interface (UI) in the form of a web application that can be used for managing Fabric Framework. This UI would provide an alternative way to interact with the framework, making it more accessible to users who may not be comfortable using command-line interfaces or prefer a visual interface.

The proposed UI would offer the following benefits:

  • Easier accessibility: A web application can be accessed from any device with a web browser, removing the need for users to have specific hardware or software installed.
  • Improved usability: Visual interfaces are often easier to use than command-line interfaces, especially for users who are new to AI and machine learning.
  • Enhanced collaboration: A web application can be used by multiple users simultaneously, making it easier for teams to collaborate on this.

I would suggest the following features for the UI:

  • A prompt library that allows users to browse and search for available prompts, as well as add new ones.
  • An experimentation area where users can try out different prompts and customize AI solutions.
  • A settings page where users can manage their account information and configure the Fabric Framework to their needs.
  • I believe that adding a UI to the Fabric framework would greatly enhance its usability and accessibility, making it an even more powerful tool for augmenting humans using AI.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this proposal.

Thank you!

Thank you for letting me know that the UI feature has already been implemented. I apologize for my mistake in not checking this before submitting my request.

Fabric --gui