danielgindi / Charts

Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX! The Apple side of the crossplatform MPAndroidChart.

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Tag naming convention incompatible with SPM

simonmcl opened this issue · comments

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What did you do?

Tried to import a specific version through SPM

What did you expect to happen?

To be able to specify "4.0.1" or a range (e.g. 4.0.1 <= 4.9.9)

What happened instead?

Because the repo uses a naming convention on the tags, starting with a "v". SPM is unable to use the Version rules to import the package, as it expects only numerics. The result is requiring users to import the branch "master". This leaves projects open to getting breaking changes without notice. Or forces users to pick a specific commit

Please remove the "v" from your tag naming convention going forward. Thank you

I second that 👍
If there is no v in tags, we can manage versions of this nice framework a little more easily with SwiftPM.

I don't really get the problem. I just tried it and it works fine with the v, at least in Xcode. Am I missing anything?
Screen Shot 2022-09-12 at 10 41 06 PM

@pmairoldi there must have been an update to Xcode to handle this case. It works now but didn't in the past. Entering 4.1.0 would give you an error message along the lines of "can't find a tag named 4.1.0"

I'd still recommend switching to semver format (dropping the leading v) to avoid such a thing happening with other tools

I don’t see a problem with switching besides needing to change the podspec file to drop the ‘v’. I’ll leave this open so I remember next update.