danieleteti / delphimvcframework

DMVCFramework (for short) is a popular and powerful framework for WEB API in Delphi. Supports RESTful and JSON-RPC WEB APIs development.

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Converting uppercase "I" to lowercase "ı"

Yunus-Oner opened this issue · comments

In "DelphiMVCF Framework 3.2.2-nitrogen" version The error described below occurs.

Character mismatch occurs when converting from uppercase to lowercase.
as follows:
Capital letters in the Turkish alphabet: ... I, İ, J,K ... etc
Lowercase letters: ... ı, i, j, k ... etc
The uppercase "I" character here is the lowercase letter, the lowercase "ı" which is not in the English alphabet.

An error occurs when converting from uppercase to lowercase.
When "Integer" is converted to lowercase in codes, it turns into "ınteger".

The character conversion process may be due to the "System Language" language definitions on the windows.

This conversion must be done according to the English character code page, regardless of the system.

Operating System: Windows 10

Unit Name: unit MVCFramework.ActiveRecord;
Procedure: procedure TMVCActiveRecord.InitTableInfo;
The line where the error occurs: lPrimaryFieldTypeAsStr := fPrimaryKey.FieldType.ToString.ToLower;

By adding the code below, I fixed the problem temporarily. I continue to use it this way.