danieleteti / delphimvcframework

DMVCFramework (for short) is a popular and powerful framework for WEB API in Delphi. Supports RESTful and JSON-RPC WEB APIs development.

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Invalid class typecast for property "x" [Expected: TArray<System.string>, Actual: Array]

AlbertSchimidt opened this issue · comments

Hello again!

I've been using DMVC for a little long time now, and it works great.

But now I'm having trouble with TArray class. Like in the sample "renders" provided from the samples.zip, I can SERIALIZE an TArray<System.string> just fine, but I cannot seem to DESERIALIZE an json array. Always getting the same error "Invalid class typecast for property "x" [Expected: TArray<System.string>, Actual: Array]".

My json array is like this:

    "myProp": [

It's the same array generated by the Render method.

My class is like this:

TMyClass = class
  FMyProp: TArray<string>;
  property myProp: TArray<string> read FMyProp write FMyProp

Trying to DESERIALIZE like this:

  oMyClass: TMyClass;
oMyClass := Context.Request.BodyAs<TMyClass>; // raises "Invalid class typecast for property "x" [Expected: TArray<System.string>, Actual: Array]" error

What I'm doing wrong?