danieleteti / delphimvcframework

DMVCFramework (for short) is a popular and powerful framework for WEB API in Delphi. Supports RESTful and JSON-RPC WEB APIs development.

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Dataset Helper Case

budisatya opened this issue · comments

hi daniele
i try to change dataset record to json object

fdquery.asJSONObject(fpLowerCase) <-- not working, always large case in firebird

i see in MVCFramework.Dataset.Utils :

function TDataSetHelper.AsJSONObject(AFieldNamePolicy: TFieldNamePolicy): string;
lSerializer: IMVCSerializer;
lSerializer := TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer.Create;
Result := lSerializer.SerializeDataSetRecord(Self, [], ncAsIs);
// Mapper.DataSetToJSONObject(Self, JObj, false);

AFieldNamePolicy <-- not going anywhere or i'm wrong?
Result := lSerializer.SerializeDataSetRecord(Self, [], ncAsIs); <-- always AsIs Case ???
or maybe i miss something?

Fixed in the repo. Please, let me know.

Than'k u Daniele
uppercase - working
lowercase - working
camelcase - i dont know what suppost to came out, in my computer its came uppercase