danielecr / phonekeypad

play the phone keypad tones

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Phone Keypad

Play the phone keypad: a sunday project.


I read a science informativ article on time and perception in psicological ordering. It say we normally do not perceive the sequence of a phone keypad. That does not convince me, so I wrote this code to ear it.

rodio: the crate

https://crates.io/crates/rodio I take crate rodio, basic examples are easy, I produce some sounds with SineWave generator.

I was convinced phone keypad produce one SineWave for each key, so I can write it easily. Search for frequencies ...

wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_keypad#Key_tones

A cleaner article:


So, no. I was wrong: a key produces 2 SineWave.

rodio has a mixer created by rodio::dynamic_mixer::mixer(channel, sample_rate)

So 2 channel is exactly what I need.

SineWave produce sound at 48_000 sample rate, and this is ok.

But a sequence of keypad keys must be sequenced then splitted in two channel.

source::from_iter() accepts an iterator and create a Source. So it take the ownership, I use https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html#method.unzip

Ok this is the code.


(I mean, not "Rust Future"). I admit that this tool is very annoying, also it is not possible to make it interactive.

Rodio provides 2 utilities for crafting a source:

  • from_iter()
  • from_factory()

from_factory() take a function. To make it interactive it must exists 2 function that produce void SineWave (volume 0.0) until there is a input key.

A maybe future.


play the phone keypad tones


Language:Rust 100.0%