danieldevine / bird-elephant

PHP library for Twitter API v2

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I need a help in search tweets queries parameters

mussaidris opened this issue · comments


Please help me with the below errors :

  1. It is working without start_time and end_time eventhough it gives me some next_token errors , I will post it.
  2. It is working in Postman but using the program it is not , what the problem I don't know
  3. I am attaching you the messages and forms with my own code to analyse
    The below is my date conversion:
            $fromdate= new \DateTime($fromdate);
            $starttime=$fromdate->format(\DateTimeInterface::ATOM); // Updated ISO8601
            $todate= new \DateTime($todate);
            $todate=$todate->sub(new \DateInterval("PT30S"));
            $endtime=$todate->format(\DateTimeInterface::ATOM); // Updated ISO8601

The below is one error when I use start time and end time parameters:

Client error: GET https://api.twitter.com/2/tweets/search/recent?query=%23nomore&tweet.fields=created_at%2Clang&max_results=100&expansions=author_id&user.fields=name%2Cusername&0%5Bstart_time%5D=2022-01-18T00:00:00%2B00:00&1%5Bend_time%5D=2022-01-23T23:59:30%2B00:00 resulted in a 400 Bad Request response: {"errors":[{"parameters":{"1[end_time]":["2022-01-23T23:59:30+00:00"]},"message":"The query parameter [1[end_time]] is n (truncated...)


The below is working but it is giving me error in the next_token pagination, but working only for 100 tweets.

Client error: GET https://api.twitter.com/2/tweets/search/recent?query=%23nomore&tweet.fields=created_at%2Clang&max_results=100&expansions=author_id&user.fields=name%2Cusername&0%5Bnext_token%5D=b26v89c19zqg8o3fpe4782uwnhbxdndndwsfb7cq81ev1 resulted in a 400 Bad Request response: {"errors":[{"parameters":{"0[next_token]":["b26v89c19zqg8o3fpe4782uwnhbxdndndwsfb7cq81ev1"]},"message":"The query parame (truncated...)

Please help me on how to fix it.

Thanks and I am waiting for reply.


Hi @mussaidris,

This issue isn't related to the library.

You can't push to a key/value array the way you are trying to.

instead of :


you should use:

$params['start_time'] = $starttime;

I'm going to close this now, feel free to reopen if I've misunderstood the issue.

Thanks a lot Daniel for your help!!

You are right it was from my side , not the library.

Thanks , working for me 100%