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Cannot run danger-swift local

rarias84 opened this issue · comments

I could run swift run danger-swift local --base dev without problems but now when I run the command I get the following

Error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'metadata' of undefined
at apiForDSL (/snapshot/danger-js/distribution/runner/jsonToDSL.js:133:78)
at /snapshot/danger-js/distribution/runner/jsonToDSL.js:84:23
at step (/snapshot/danger-js/distribution/runner/jsonToDSL.js:52:23)
at Object.next (/snapshot/danger-js/distribution/runner/jsonToDSL.js:33:53)
at /snapshot/danger-js/distribution/runner/jsonToDSL.js:27:71
at new Promise ()
at /snapshot/danger-js/distribution/runner/jsonToDSL.js:23:12
at jsonToDSL (/snapshot/danger-js/distribution/runner/jsonToDSL.js:77:49)
at /snapshot/danger-js/distribution/commands/utils/runDangerSubprocess.js:171:68
at step (/snapshot/danger-js/distribution/commands/utils/runDangerSubprocess.js:44:23)

It seems this error is coming from Danger-JS 🤔

I use danger version 11.2.1 and danger swift 3.15.0 .
I can see a danger-response.json but cannot see the report in the terminal just get the error above