danger / swift

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Bitbucket Server not showing filename and line number in report

NiallKhaibullin opened this issue · comments

we got a problem with displaying the file name and line number in the feedback. We use a self-hosted Bitbucket server. How can this be fixed?

Снимок экрана 2022-12-29 в 19 00 26

Logs when running under debug (DEBUG=* danger-swift ci):
message: 'Function body should span 60 lines or less excluding comments and whitespace: currently spans 145 lines (function_body_length)',
file: 'App/AppConfiguration/AppModuleConfigProviderAssembler.swift',
line: 21
message: 'Function body should span 60 lines or less excluding comments and whitespace: currently spans 77 lines (function_body_length)',
file: 'App/AppComponent.swift',
line: 128