dandavison / magit-delta

Use delta (https://github.com/dandavison/delta) when viewing diffs in Magit

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Performance issue on diff with 40k lines

jumper047 opened this issue · comments

Title says it all - recently I faced really big diff, like 40k lines changed, and magit buffer became completely unusable. I disabled magit-delta mode, and everything became usable again. Maybe we should have something like magit-delta-max-diff-size parameter?

Hi @jumper047, yes I sympathise with this. I'd be happy to review a PR.


Same problem here.
I think the diff should be lazy loaded when we press tab here, instead of loading automatically as I guess its doing.
Is it possible to do in magit?

Here, I think its loading this retroarch configs that are huge and I'm not even seeing it, and its very laggy