dancryer / PHPCI

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PHPCI Github status checks on PR

stephan-v opened this issue · comments

I am wondering if it is possible get status checks for a pull request similar to what travis-ci and other services are doing:


This would help a lot since we don't constantly want to monitor the PHPCI server but rather just have our checks show up on pull requests.


I have noticed in the GithubBuild.php that there is a sendStatusPostback but I don't think anything happens with it curently. Does anybody know how I can enable this?

Seems like this also needs a token to work because it sets an Authorization token header. How can I check if a token has been set or not? Or how can I set up a token for my PHPCI app?

You are not making a whole lot of sense. You mean to say that there is all this Github specific logic that needs a token but no documentation on how to add a token or some config option to add your own token?

Things like:
./console phpci:poll-github

Need an access token to work, yet there is no option to add a token. That is besides editing the config.yml manually, which you have to know just by digging through the code.

Even if you set the access token commands like poll-github still fail.

Am I suppose to fix these things by setting up oauth by going to:

Admin >> Settings >> GitHub Application ?

The url that the poll-github command uses also needs to know my username but I see no reference to my username in the code of 'HttpClient.php' which is used to build the polling url.

I know it is probably possible at the moment since I have found it in the codebase, but it seems utterly broken at the moment. Is that correct?

My authentication settings under setttings also displays nothing but an empty checkbox with:

Disable Authentication?

Are there normally suppose to be some fields with authentication settings there as well? Perhaps name and personal access token?

Travis-CI is too expensive for private repo's but thanks anyways. It's a shame the Github API functionally is practically non-existent now because nowhere are you asked for a personal access token, or oauth setup.

It does work, but it is a slight pain in the rear to get working it seems. On a lower level:

  1. Create a OAuth Integration
  2. Update config.yml to have a phpci:github section with the Integration OAuth token and id
  3. Setup a webhook that includes the permissions for pull requests as well as read permissions, etc.

Disclaimer Still working on this, but I do have it at least communicating to a certain degree.