dammy95 / Niyo-group-interview

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Niyo Group Backend Developer Assessment – Damilola Olagunju

This is the repo to the Backend Developer Assessment for Niyo Group written in Python and using the Django web framework.

Table of Contents

Development Setup

To set up the project locally, please make sure you have Docker installed.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone git@github.com:dammy95/Niyo-group-interview.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd niyo-group-interview
  3. Create a .env file and copy the contents in the env.txt file sent to you via email

  4. Run the docker container:

    docker compose up

    The project will be running at

Data models

This project has two data models: User, and Task. The Task model has a foreign key to the User model via the assigned_to attr.


    This model is used to represent a user.

    id : UUIDField
        The id of the user.
    created : DateTimeField
        The date and time the user was created.
    modified : DateTimeField
        The date and time the user was last modified.
    is_active : BooleanField
        The status of the user.
    is_verified : BooleanField
        The verification status of the user.
    is_superuser : BooleanField
        The superuser status of the user.
    is_staff : BooleanField
        The staff status of the user.
    email : EmailField
        The email of the user.
    first_name : CharField
        The first name of the user.
    last_name : CharField
        The last name of the user.


    Task model

    This model is used to represent a task.

    id : UUIDField
        The id of the task.
    created : DateTimeField
        The date and time the task was created.
    modified : DateTimeField
        The date and time the task was last modified.
    title : CharField
        The title of the task.
    description : TextField
        The description of the task.
    completed : BooleanField
        The completion status of the task.
    due_date : DateField
        The due date of the task.
    assigned_to : ForeignKey
        The User the task is assigned to.

        Returns the title of the task as a string.


The project exposes the following endpoints:


  • GET /api/users/token/: login endpoint to authenticate a registred user and return the JWT token
  • POST /api/users/token/refresh: endpoint to refresh an expired token
  • POST /api/users/register: endpoint to register a user


  • GET /api/tasks/: endpoint to list all the tasks assigned to the authenticated user
  • GET /api/tasks/{pk}/: endpoint to retreive a single task
  • PUT /api/tasks/{pk}/: endpoint to update a single task
  • DELETE /api/tasks/{pk}/: endpoint to delete a single task

Run unit tests

To run the unit tests for this project (make sure the docker container is already running):

    docker-compose exec web pytest

Testing the endpoints with postman:

You can find the postman collection .json file in the email sent to you. You can download this and load it into your postman desktop app.


Test with the given parameters (fill in with details of your choice):

    "first_name": "",
    "last_name": "",
    "email": "",
    "password": "",
    "confirm_password": "",


    "email": "",
    "password": "",

You will get back a json object that has the access token.

Please copy this access token as you will need it in the subsequent next steps.

For the following urls below, add the access token as an Authorization header in Postman using the Bearer Token type. The token has an access lifetime of 1 hour and a refresh lifetime of 1 day.

GET - api/tasks/

At the moment you should have an empty list since we've not created any tasks yet

POST - api/tasks/

Create a task with the following:

priority options: ['LOW', 'MEDIUM', 'HIGH']

    "title": "",
    "description": "",
    "priority": "",

PUT - api/tasks/

Update a task with the following:

priority options: ['LOW', 'MEDIUM', 'HIGH']

    "title": "",
    "description": "",
    "priority": "",

GET - api/tasks/{pk}

Get a task by replacing pk with a task primary key.

DELETE - api/tasks/{pk}

Delete a task by replacing pk with a task primary key.



Language:JavaScript 45.6%Language:CSS 44.1%Language:Python 10.2%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%Language:Shell 0.1%