damavis / airflow-pentaho-plugin

Pentaho plugin for Apache Airflow - Orquestate pentaho transformations and jobs from Airflow

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cannot get transformation result status Carte

3pm opened this issue · comments


Pentaho 9.4 + Carte
When using CarteTransOperator it cannot get execution status:
airflow.exceptions.AirflowException: Unexpected server response: {"webresult": {"result": "ERROR", "message": "The specified transformation [trans.ktr] could not be found", "id": null}}

It's because it passes .ktr along to transformation name. If ".ktr" is removed in _get_trans_name (carte.py file) - it works.

That's not the case in CarteJobOperator, it works.

Hi @3pm, did you try to use just the name, without the extension? I think that the .ktr is not necessary.


The only place I pass path is trans='/home/xxx/pentaho/local/tmp/trans.ktr' parameter. Without full path (including .ktr) it is not working. Later the name is taken from this path in CarteTransOperator.


This helps for me:
def _get_trans_name(self):
return self.trans.split('/').pop().replace(".ktr","")

Fixed in v1.1.2: 87895d1


Hello, can you put it on release 1.1.2 please?

That should be already there @3pm
