damavis / airflow-pentaho-plugin

Pentaho plugin for Apache Airflow - Orquestate pentaho transformations and jobs from Airflow

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Connection refused with the right host

biablopes opened this issue · comments

Hi folks!
I'm trying to use the pentaho library and using CarteTransOperator. My problem is that I created the Airflow connection with all the params, but my connection is always refused with the message:
HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=8081): Max retries exceeded with url: /kettle/executeTrans/?user=&pass=&rep=repo&trans=test&level=Basic (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f13c76d0c50>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',).
Am I doing something wrong? I'm follow the documentation.

Hi @biablopes

This error usually indicates that Carte Server may not be running at http://localhost:8081

Here it is how your Connection should looks like.

Hi @piffall tks for your reply.

I was using the http in the host position, but after change to the schema, I continuos with the same error.
My carte instace is running em localhost:8081 as well, if I try to run the process in the http directly it's run as well.

This is my configuration:

This is my carte instance:

Maybe my DAG configuration can be wrong, this is what I'm using:
trans1 = CarteTransOperator(

Tks for your help!

Hi again @biablopes

That should work. Please, check if the error is the same. If it is, you have some network communication issue. Maybe you are using Docker for airflow?


Hi @piffall,

Yes, I was trying on Docker, after your comment, I installed the Airflow locally and the error is the same. But ok, I will be continuos trying. Now that I know that my configurations is ok, maybe I find another way. Tks for your help!