damaru / OpenPWA

This is a PWA boilerplate, with cache busting mechanism and preconfigured Github Pages deployment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


OpenPWA is a boilerplate for deploying pwa using Github Pages.

How to build your own?

  • Fork this project on github
  • Enable Github pages option in settings
  • Done!! Get the link in the GitHub pages section

❗️❕ This includes cache busting mechnism, as pwa serves from cache so changes will not be refected untill you change the version in config.json

❗️❕ On changing repository name you need to update the reposity name in 👉 "service-worker.js", line no 4

This is a PWA, everything is made using webtechnologies. 🍄


This is a PWA boilerplate, with cache busting mechanism and preconfigured Github Pages deployment


Language:JavaScript 54.8%Language:HTML 36.4%Language:CSS 8.8%