damaki / libkeccak

SHA-3 and other Keccak related algorithms in SPARK/Ada.

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Incorrect parallel hash output when building with SSE2 instructions

damaki opened this issue · comments

When building with LIBKECCAK_ARCH=x86_64 and LIBKECCAK_SIMD=SSE2 the parallel hashes (ParallelHash, KangarooTwelve, etc) produce incorrect output. The known answer tests fail with the following output:

Loading file: testvectors/ParallelHash/ParallelHash128_samples.txt
Running 3 tests ...
   Expected MD: BA8DC1D1D979331D3F813603C67F72609AB5E44B94A0B8F9AF46514454A2B4F5
   Actual MD:   3E5AC8757659890646FC627DC8EC9DA8019E150CA203566AA42C1955564787BE
   Expected MD: FC484DCB3F84DCEEDC353438151BEE58157D6EFED0445A81F165E495795B7206
   Actual MD:   B5236BC97DCC088B6A2A9D87BB0AD11F2A8ACE1143F73FBC8582987EFC5FC0B8
   Expected MD: F7FD5312896C6685C828AF7E2ADB97E393E7F8D54E3C2EA4B95E5ACA3796E8FC
   Actual MD:   245C4A5FA512F7AAE3D33B6A3A8E2EB26A8026EC1909B7B3FE79EC3F09CD6635

Passed: 0
Failed: 3

The problem is only present when using SSE2; it is not present when building with LIBKECCAK_SIMD=AVX2 or LIBKECCAK_SIMD=none.

The problem is due to an incorrect definition of KeccakF_1600_P2 in src/x86_64/SSE2/keccak-parallel_keccak_1600.ads where it is defined as follows:

   package KeccakF_1600_P2 is new Keccak.Generic_Parallel_KeccakF
     (Lane_Size_Log => 6,
      Lane_Type     => Interfaces.Unsigned_64,
      VXXI_Index    => Arch.SSE2.V2DI_Vectors.V2DI_Index,
      VXXI          => Arch.SSE2.V2DI_Vectors.V2DI,
      VXXI_View     => Arch.SSE2.V2DI_Vectors.V2DI_View,
      Vector_Width  => 2,
      Load          => Arch.SSE2.V2DI_Vectors.Load,
      Store         => Arch.SSE2.V2DI_Vectors.Store,
      "xor"         => Arch.SSE2.V2DI_Vectors."xor",
      Rotate_Left   => Arch.SSE2.V2DI_Vectors.Shift_Left,
      And_Not       => Arch.SSE2.V2DI_Vectors.And_Not,
      Shift_Left    => Interfaces.Shift_Left,
      Shift_Right   => Interfaces.Shift_Right);

The Rotate_Left generic parameter is incorrectly set to Arch.SSE2.V2DI_Vectors.Shift_Left instead of Arch.SSE2.V2DI_Vectors.Rotate_Left.