daltoniam / SwiftHTTP

Thin wrapper around NSURLSession in swift. Simplifies HTTP requests.

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Post objects array to server

andrey-serdyuk opened this issue · comments

Hello. I'm trying to post a JSON array of objects to a server. I'm pretty sure that server side works perfectly because I'm interacting with it using android app I have created. I'd be very appreciate if you could help to solve the problem I have with creating the same app on iOS using swift+swithttp.

Here is the method I'm parsing an object to array[string: any].

public func toDictionary() -> [String: Any] {
    var itemDic = [String: Any]()
    itemDic["UserId"] = UserId
    itemDic["SelectedItems"] = getSelectedItems()
    return itemDic

private func getSelectedItems() -> [[String: Any]] {
    var array = [[String: Any]]()
    for item in getSelectedItems {

    return array

When I print toDictionary() result I can see in console the following output:
["UserId": 110021, "SelectedItems": [["AnswerId": 2, "ItemId": 1], ["AnswerId": 2, "ItemId": 4], ["AnswerId": 2, "ItemId": 7]]]

Here is the code how I post the object to the server
HTTP.POST(ServerApi.REPORT, parameters: model.toDictionary()) { response in
//process response

The UserId parameter is receiving but the SelectedItems always empty. Can you help me to undestend why this is happen and how can I fix it?

Thank you!!