daltoniam / Starscream

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Would you consider releasing a new patch that doesn't break SemVer?

psandrinelli opened this issue · comments


The recent patch release 4.06 introduces breaking changes and it looks like they can only be mitigated through a code change on the integrator's end.
Although an update is a simple fix for an app developer that uses Starscream directly, anyone developing libraries, especially if used by other libraries, will likely incur into problems.
In this case any app or sdk using multiple third party SDK that use Starscream through Cocoapods may incur into an error if they run a pod update, as the Starscream version will be updated to a non backward compatible patch.
That means they will be unable to release a new version of their app/sdk unless the libraries they use also push an update that reconciles all Starscream versions to one that is compatible for all.

Starscream Changelog mentions following SemVer, and in case of accidental breaking changes being pushed in a minor or patch version SemVer suggests that a new backward compatible version is released straight after and the breaking changes are replicated into the appropriate kind of release.

Would you consider releasing a 4.0.7 backward compatible patch followed by a major, or at least a minor, release with the breaking changes?

Thank you and welcome back.
The first release after a long time is always tricky but I hope the issue can be mitigated which would really help us fellow sdk developers.