dalathegreat / Nissan-LEAF-CCS

Information for how to add CCS to your LEAF, keeping it relevant for many years to come!

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Why not reverse engineering the muxsan solution ?

hugoheitz opened this issue · comments

After all, that is what the first compatible PC makers did for the bios.

So : let s find a person living in Netherlands who is ok to buy the muxsan solution and let s find out how they did it.

Any volunteer ?

Eh, don't wanna step on their toes. They are doing awesome work for keeping these cars on the road for longer, and have invested heavily on their R&D side to bring out their product. They need to sell it.

We on the other hand can look at BMW i3 LIM, or the Hyundai Kia CCS controller for our own low-cost project!

I understand. It s true that they are doing a great work. Unfortunately they dont sell their product in France. You have to go go the Netherlands. It s a no go for me.

Do you think their product is a complete specific dévelopment or is it based on existing parts ? That s my interrogation. If anyone at muxsan can just answer it may help.

Just curious where this project is at? It kinda looks like something has been done, but are things working yet? I notice there is a chademo logging project at https://github.com/Drus566/Chademo-Log-Reader