dalance / procs

A modern replacement for ps written in Rust

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Smart case search seems broken in 0.13.4

philipm-domuso opened this issue · comments

Searching for /xcode should trigger case-insensitive search:

But doesn't find anything.

Searching for /Xcode works, though:

  • macOS Ventura 13.1 on Mac M1
  • procs v0.13.4

The screenshot seems to show searching on pager (ex. less).
If you use less, the following config may be helpful.

export LESS='-i'

Smartcase of procs can be used like below:

$ procs xcode
// will be show "xcode" "XCODE" "Xcode"
$ procs Xcode
// will be show "Xcode" only