dakra / speed-type

Practice touch/speed typing in emacs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Use a random quote from user's choice of quotes instead of snippet from a book

aksharvarma opened this issue · comments

I was wondering if it would be of interest to others to have a feature that allowed using a set of quotes selected by the user as the texts to type? A feature similar to that in the wpm console-app.

I prefer typing quotes from books/TV shows/movies that I know well. Makes it a little more enjoyable for me. I already had a json file containing lots of my favorite quotes and I whipped up a quick hack to get speed-type--setup to use that text. With a little more effort it should be possible to make that a mode similar to top-x, buffer, or Gutenberg book snippet.

Sounds interesting. Do you offer a download function for those json files? As we obviously can't distribute copyrighted texts in this package and expecting the user to already have those json files is not good.

Wouldn't it be possible to pick quotes from Wikiquotes? Say quotes about Computer Science or something. Those may not be copyrighted. Also, we would only be using very small quotes (speed-type-max-chars is set to 450 by default), for a non-commercial and personal/educational use. That should make this okay under fair use, wouldn't it?

If that doesn't sound okay, one could just pick quotes from the wikiquotes page for the books from the Gutenberg list. Like The Count of Monte Cristo or Alice's Adventures in Wonderland or Great Expectations? Since they are anyway in the public domain, it should be fine to distribute parts of those texts.

I'm not really knowledgeable about copyright. All you say sounds good and is probably fair to ship with speed-type.

But maybe it's still better to offer a download function like for the gutenberg books.
This could simply download from the sources you mentioned (wikiquotes etc).
Then the quotes would be "up to date" and also don't have to be bundled with this repo.

(Also, I'm just a contributor here and not the author/maintainer so this is just imho)