dailyinvention / spot-it-web-app

A web app clone of the Spot It! card game

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Welcome to Colyseus!

This project has been created using ⚔️ create-colyseus-app - an npm init template for kick starting a Colyseus project in TypeScript.


⚔️ Usage

npm start


  • index.ts: main entry point, register an empty room handler and attach @colyseus/monitor
  • src/rooms/MyRoom.ts: an empty room handler for you to implement your logic
  • src/rooms/schema/MyRoomState.ts: an empty schema used on your room's state.
  • loadtest/example.ts: scriptable client for the loadtest tool (see npm run loadtest)
  • package.json:
    • scripts:
      • npm start: runs ts-node-dev index.ts
      • npm run loadtest: runs the @colyseus/loadtest tool for testing the connection, using the loadtest/example.ts script.
  • tsconfig.json: TypeScript configuration file




A web app clone of the Spot It! card game


Language:HTML 56.1%Language:TypeScript 43.9%