dagrejs / graphlib

A directed multi-graph library for JavaScript

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prim algorithm returns directed Graph

Brice187 opened this issue · comments

The API references this algorithm as follows:

Prim's algorithm takes a connected undirected graph and generates a minimum spanning tree. This function returns the minimum spanning tree as an _undirected graph_.

I run the algorithm with following example code:

var prim_test = graphlib.alg.prim(query_set, function (weight) { return 1 / query_set.edge(weight) });

I get following result:


-> Graph {_isDirected: false, _isMultigraph: false, _isCompound: false, _label: undefined, _defaultNodeLabelFn: ƒ, …} <--- query set
-> Graph {_isDirected: true, _isMultigraph: false, _isCompound: false, _label: undefined, _defaultNodeLabelFn: ƒ, …}

so the resulting graph of this algorithm is directed