dafnyel / pacmanFX

This is a somewhat trial to implement Pacman game in JavaFX

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


As part of my degree (MSc), I was asked to implement the Pacman game in Java. I chose to use JavaFX for the matter and here is the result.

Few things to know before using this code:

  • The code is not so well written due to a relativly small time frame.
  • There are some bugs, but the game is very much playable.
  • The code in this project by any means does not reflect my coding skills, I used a foreign language (I'm a JS dev) to me.
  • I truly believe that using JS would end up with third of the code, in half of the time.
  • This leads me to the conclution that Java is way behind and not suitable to rapid development.



This is a somewhat trial to implement Pacman game in JavaFX


Language:Java 100.0%