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[Bug Report] mac地址代理白名单时无法正常 block 一个域名

douglarek opened this issue · comments


  • I have searched the existing issues
  • I have read the documentation
  • Is it your first time sumbitting an issue

Current Behavior


pname(NetworkManager, systemd-resolved) -> direct

# miwifi
domain(full:api.miwifi.com)	-> block

# only proxy these devices
!mac('a')	-> direct(must)

dip(geoip:cn, geoip:private) -> direct
domain(geosite:cn) -> direct

fallback: proxy

按上面的设置,除了我 mac 地址为 a 的设备都能被代理,而不管设备有没有被代理它都应该不能访问 api.miwifi.com,但实际是在 b 电脑上依然能访问这个地址。

Expected Behavior

如果规则是按顺序执行,那么在所有设备上都不应该能访问 api.miwifi.com

Steps to Reproduce

No response


  • Daed version:
  • OS (e.g cat /etc/os-release):
    imm 23.05
  • Kernel (e.g. uname -a):
  • Others:

Anything else?

No response

Thanks for opening this issue!


@douglarek 正常,因为你的dns流量因为“must”而绕dae直连了,dae依靠dns来做域名分流

所以路由里面的规则 mac 最高,并不遵守严格顺序,所以优先级是什么? 如果这样能不能做到呢,考虑一种场景是 我如果换成 direct 没有 must ,那么我未被代理的设备比如手机可能会自己开个代理,这样会有 dns 回环导致无法正常上国内网站。


@douglarek 你的dns查询又不是domain,肯定match下面这一条mac的啊


@douglarek 哪里有dns回环?

@douglarek 哪里有dns回环?

现在问题是这样,我手机上使用了 sing box 代理了浏览器,然后路由器刚开始配置的 !mac(a) 走 direct ,那么我手机上浏览器访问国内网站不通,如果把 direct 改成 direct must 通了。

我dns的查询默认是 domain.


@douglarek 你不要先下结论是dns回环,这个问题的根本原因到底是不是回环,要先从日志里找证据


@douglarek dns问题,上游是谁,拓扑怎么样,先画一下

@douglarek dns问题,上游是谁,拓扑怎么样,先画一下



@douglarek 发的dhcp网关和dns是谁

@douglarek 发的dhcp网关和dns是谁

daed 默认 dns 配置:

upstream {
  alidns: 'udp://'
  googledns: 'tcp+udp://'
routing {
  request {
    # qname(full:api.miwifi.com) -> reject
    qname(suffix:lan) -> asis
    qname(geosite:cn) -> alidns
    fallback: googledns

daed !mac('A') -> direct 规则下,手机 B 上访问国内域名(oschina.net),daed 日志:

time="Aug 12 02:06:22" level=warning msg="No AddrPort presented: reading map: key [[::ffff:]:50142, 17,]: lookup: key does not exist, data is too short to parse AddrHdr"
time="Aug 12 02:06:22" level=warning msg="No AddrPort presented: reading map: key [[::ffff:]:50142, 17,]: lookup: key does not exist, data is too short to parse AddrHdr"
time="Aug 12 02:06:22" level=warning msg="No AddrPort presented: reading map: key [[::ffff:]:50142, 17,]: lookup: key does not exist, data is too short to parse AddrHdr"
time="Aug 12 02:06:22" level=warning msg="No AddrPort presented: reading map: key [[::ffff:]:50142, 17,]: lookup: key does not exist, data is too short to parse AddrHdr"
time="Aug 12 02:06:22" level=warning msg="No AddrPort presented: reading map: key [[::ffff:]:50142, 17,]: lookup: key does not exist, data is too short to parse AddrHdr"
time="Aug 12 02:06:22" level=warning msg="No AddrPort presented: reading map: key [[::ffff:]:50142, 17,]: lookup: key does not exist, data is too short to parse AddrHdr"
time="Aug 12 02:06:22" level=warning msg="No AddrPort presented: reading map: key [[::ffff:]:50142, 17,]: lookup: key does not exist, data is too short to parse AddrHdr"
time="Aug 12 02:06:22" level=warning msg="No AddrPort presented: reading map: key [[::ffff:]:50142, 17,]: lookup: key does not exist, data is too short to parse AddrHdr"
time="Aug 12 02:06:23" level=warning msg="No AddrPort presented: reading map: key [[::ffff:]:50142, 17,]: lookup: key does not exist, data is too short to parse AddrHdr"
time="Aug 12 02:06:23" level=warning msg="No AddrPort presented: reading map: key [[::ffff:]:50142, 17,]: lookup: key does not exist, data is too short to parse AddrHdr"
time="Aug 12 02:06:23" level=warning msg="No AddrPort presented: reading map: key [[::ffff:]:50142, 17,]: lookup: key does not exist, data is too short to parse AddrHdr"
time="Aug 12 02:06:23" level=warning msg="No AddrPort presented: reading map: key [[::ffff:]:50142, 17,]: lookup: key does not exist, data is too short to parse AddrHdr"
time="Aug 12 02:06:23" level=warning msg="No AddrPort presented: reading map: key [[::ffff:]:50142, 17,]: lookup: key does not exist, data is too short to parse AddrHdr"
time="Aug 12 02:06:23" level=warning msg="No AddrPort presented: reading map: key [[::ffff:]:50142, 17,]: lookup: key does not exist, data is too short to parse AddrHdr"
time="Aug 12 02:06:23" level=warning msg="No AddrPort presented: reading map: key [[::ffff:]:50142, 17,]: lookup: key does not exist, data is too short to parse AddrHdr"
time="Aug 12 02:06:23" level=warning msg="No AddrPort presented: reading map: key [[::ffff:]:50142, 17,]: lookup: key does not exist, data is too short to parse AddrHdr"

手机 B 上 sing-box 日志:

ERROR[27839] dns: exchange failed for www.oschina.net. IN A: context canceled.

sing-box dns 解析国内使用 dns


@douglarek 没有其他日志吗,这个日志没有什么用

@douglarek 没有其他日志吗,这个日志没有什么用

确实没什么关于上面国内域名访问的其他日志了。或许我打开 debug 试试 打开 debug 也没有其他相关日志。


@douglarek 不如在 dae 机器上 tcpdump 抓下包?连 25 Bytes 都没有

@douglarek 不如在 dae 机器上 tcpdump 抓下包?连 25 Bytes 都没有

在软路由上对手机 host 执行了 tcpdump(点击这里展开)
10:38:14.044150 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.49741 > public1.alidns.com.53: 68+ HTTPS? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:14.049610 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.49741 > public1.alidns.com.53: 69+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:14.049610 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.49741 > public1.alidns.com.53: 70+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:14.052350 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.49741 > public1.alidns.com.53: 71+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:14.070007 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.49741 > public1.alidns.com.53: 72+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:14.264861 IP > Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.41900: UDP, length 1439
10:38:14.264954 IP > Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.41900: UDP, length 1439
10:38:14.265012 IP > Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.41900: UDP, length 1439
10:38:14.265087 IP > Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.41900: UDP, length 1439
10:38:14.265135 IP > Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.41900: UDP, length 659
10:38:14.280135 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.41900 > UDP, length 29
10:38:14.286926 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.41900 > UDP, length 1252
10:38:14.287100 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.41900 > UDP, length 325
10:38:14.366228 IP > Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.41900: UDP, length 27
10:38:14.380550 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.49741 > public1.alidns.com.53: 73+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:14.386773 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.49741 > public1.alidns.com.53: 74+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:14.393197 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.49741 > public1.alidns.com.53: 75+ HTTPS? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:14.399208 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.49741 > public1.alidns.com.53: 76+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:14.401166 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.49741 > public1.alidns.com.53: 77+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:14.550966 IP > Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.41900: UDP, length 551
10:38:14.575908 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.41900 > UDP, length 72
10:38:14.679931 IP > Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.41900: UDP, length 28
10:38:15.067991 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.49741 > public1.alidns.com.53: 78+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.067991 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.49741 > public1.alidns.com.53: 79+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.790072 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.56405 > public1.alidns.com.53: 1+ A? zz.bdstatic.com. (33)
10:38:15.790395 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.56405 > public1.alidns.com.53: 9+ A? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:15.790395 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.56405 > public1.alidns.com.53: 2+ HTTPS? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:15.790395 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.56405 > public1.alidns.com.53: 29+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.790396 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.56405 > public1.alidns.com.53: 31+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.790396 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.56405 > public1.alidns.com.53: 34+ HTTPS? hmcdn.baidu.com. (33)
10:38:15.790750 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.56405 > public1.alidns.com.53: 39+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.790750 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.56405 > public1.alidns.com.53: 3+ AAAA? zz.bdstatic.com. (33)
10:38:15.791870 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.56405 > public1.alidns.com.53: 4+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.792091 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.56405 > public1.alidns.com.53: 5+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.792427 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.56405 > public1.alidns.com.53: 6+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.793110 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.56405 > public1.alidns.com.53: 7+ AAAA? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:15.801184 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.56405 > public1.alidns.com.53: 8+ HTTPS? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:15.801184 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.56405 > public1.alidns.com.53: 10+ AAAA? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:15.802692 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.56405 > public1.alidns.com.53: 11+ HTTPS? static.oschina.net. (36)
10:38:15.803401 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.56405 > public1.alidns.com.53: 12+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.803402 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.56405 > public1.alidns.com.53: 13+ AAAA? static.oschina.net. (36)
10:38:15.803781 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.56405 > public1.alidns.com.53: 14+ A? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:15.804354 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.56405 > public1.alidns.com.53: 15+ AAAA? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:15.810000 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 1+ A? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:15.811490 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 2+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.818292 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 3+ HTTPS? static.oschina.net. (36)
10:38:15.821322 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 4+ AAAA? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:15.821322 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 5+ HTTPS? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:15.824895 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 6+ AAAA? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:15.824895 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 7+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.824896 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 62+ A? static.oschina.net. (36)
10:38:15.824896 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 8+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.825252 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 9+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.825252 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 10+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.825252 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 11+ AAAA? zz.bdstatic.com. (33)
10:38:15.849983 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 12+ HTTPS? hmcdn.baidu.com. (33)
10:38:15.849983 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 13+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.849983 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 14+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.849983 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 15+ HTTPS? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:15.849983 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 16+ A? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:15.849983 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 17+ A? zz.bdstatic.com. (33)
10:38:15.849983 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 18+ AAAA? static.oschina.net. (36)
10:38:15.849983 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 19+ A? static.oschina.net. (36)
10:38:15.850471 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 20+ AAAA? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:15.850472 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 21+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.850472 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 22+ AAAA? hmcdn.baidu.com. (33)
10:38:15.850472 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 23+ HTTPS? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.850472 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 24+ A? static.oschina.net. (36)
10:38:15.850472 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 25+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.850473 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 26+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.850473 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 27+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.850875 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 28+ AAAA? static.oschina.net. (36)
10:38:15.850876 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 29+ AAAA? static.oschina.net. (36)
10:38:15.850876 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 30+ A? static.oschina.net. (36)
10:38:15.850876 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 31+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.850876 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 32+ A? static.oschina.net. (36)
10:38:15.850876 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 33+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.850876 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 34+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.850876 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 35+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.851274 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 36+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.851274 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 37+ A? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:15.851275 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 38+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.851275 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 39+ A? lf1-cdn-tos.bytegoofy.com. (43)
10:38:15.851275 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 40+ A? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:15.851275 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 41+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.851275 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 42+ AAAA? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:15.851275 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 43+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.851672 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 44+ AAAA? static.oschina.net. (36)
10:38:15.851672 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 45+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.851672 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 46+ A? lf1-cdn-tos.bytegoofy.com. (43)
10:38:15.851672 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 47+ AAAA? lf1-cdn-tos.bytegoofy.com. (43)
10:38:15.851673 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 48+ A? hmcdn.baidu.com. (33)
10:38:15.851673 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 49+ A? zz.bdstatic.com. (33)
10:38:15.851673 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 50+ HTTPS? lf1-cdn-tos.bytegoofy.com. (43)
10:38:15.851673 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 51+ A? lf1-cdn-tos.bytegoofy.com. (43)
10:38:15.852075 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 52+ AAAA? lf1-cdn-tos.bytegoofy.com. (43)
10:38:15.852075 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 53+ HTTPS? zz.bdstatic.com. (33)
10:38:15.852075 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 54+ A? zz.bdstatic.com. (33)
10:38:15.852075 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 55+ AAAA? zz.bdstatic.com. (33)
10:38:15.852075 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 56+ HTTPS? hmcdn.baidu.com. (33)
10:38:15.852075 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 57+ A? hmcdn.baidu.com. (33)
10:38:15.852076 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 58+ AAAA? hmcdn.baidu.com. (33)
10:38:15.852076 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 59+ AAAA? lf1-cdn-tos.bytegoofy.com. (43)
10:38:15.852473 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 60+ AAAA? static.oschina.net. (36)
10:38:15.852473 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 61+ HTTPS? zz.bdstatic.com. (33)
10:38:15.852474 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 63+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.852474 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 64+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.852474 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 65+ HTTPS? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.852474 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 66+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.852474 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 67+ A? hmcdn.baidu.com. (33)
10:38:15.852474 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 68+ AAAA? hmcdn.baidu.com. (33)
10:38:15.852880 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 69+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.852880 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 70+ AAAA? zz.bdstatic.com. (33)
10:38:15.852880 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 71+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.852880 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 72+ AAAA? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:15.852880 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 73+ A? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:15.852880 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 74+ HTTPS? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.852880 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 75+ HTTPS? lf1-cdn-tos.bytegoofy.com. (43)
10:38:15.852881 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.52747 > public1.alidns.com.53: 76+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.957732 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.35201 > public1.alidns.com.53: 1+ A? static.oschina.net. (36)
10:38:15.957986 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.35201 > public1.alidns.com.53: 2+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.957987 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.35201 > public1.alidns.com.53: 3+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.958347 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.35201 > public1.alidns.com.53: 4+ AAAA? static.oschina.net. (36)
10:38:15.959323 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.35201 > public1.alidns.com.53: 5+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:15.965863 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.33090 > public1.alidns.com.53: 1+ AAAA? static.oschina.net. (36)
10:38:15.974366 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.37949 > public1.alidns.com.53: 1+ AAAA? visit.oschina.net. (35)
10:38:16.830343 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.42131 > public1.alidns.com.53: 1+ A? zz.bdstatic.com. (33)
10:38:16.830612 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.42131 > public1.alidns.com.53: 2+ A? lf1-cdn-tos.bytegoofy.com. (43)
10:38:16.830612 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.42131 > public1.alidns.com.53: 3+ AAAA? lf1-cdn-tos.bytegoofy.com. (43)
10:38:16.830829 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.42131 > public1.alidns.com.53: 4+ AAAA? zz.bdstatic.com. (33)
10:38:16.968063 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.42131 > public1.alidns.com.53: 5+ AAAA? hmcdn.baidu.com. (33)
10:38:16.979464 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.42131 > public1.alidns.com.53: 6+ A? hmcdn.baidu.com. (33)
10:38:16.979893 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.42131 > public1.alidns.com.53: 7+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:16.984624 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.42131 > public1.alidns.com.53: 8+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:17.312706 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.42131 > public1.alidns.com.53: 9+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:17.324451 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.42131 > public1.alidns.com.53: 10+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:18.058074 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.42131 > public1.alidns.com.53: 11+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:18.058074 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.42131 > public1.alidns.com.53: 12+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:18.505636 IP > Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.54350: Flags [P.], seq 1995101953:1995101991, ack 614914526, win 65, length 38
10:38:18.505723 IP > Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.54350: Flags [FP.], seq 38:61, ack 1, win 65, length 23
10:38:18.541881 IP > Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.54350: Flags [FP.], seq 38:61, ack 1, win 65, length 23
10:38:18.554336 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.54350 > Flags [.], ack 38, win 210, length 0
10:38:18.554475 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.54350 > Flags [.], ack 62, win 210, options [nop,nop,sack 1 {38:62}], length 0
10:38:18.557087 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.54350 > Flags [P.], seq 1:24, ack 62, win 210, length 23
10:38:18.557612 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.54350 > Flags [F.], seq 24, ack 62, win 210, length 0
10:38:18.610271 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.54350 > Flags [F.], seq 24, ack 62, win 210, length 0
10:38:18.795718 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.42131 > public1.alidns.com.53: 13+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:18.796312 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.42131 > public1.alidns.com.53: 14+ AAAA? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:18.803378 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.42131 > public1.alidns.com.53: 15+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:18.803989 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.42131 > public1.alidns.com.53: 16+ A? www.oschina.net. (33)
10:38:18.837972 IP Redmi-K40-Gaming.lan.54350 > Flags [FP.], seq 1:24, ack 62, win 210, length 23

daed 开了 trace 日志吗?日志太少了



daed 开了 trace 日志吗?日志太少了

打开 trace似乎也没有其他关于这个访问的日志。


应该是 dnsmasq。但我理解这个影响吗,我是 pppoe 拨号的 wan,这个不会被代理吧。


应该是 dnsmasq。但我理解这个影响吗,我是 pppoe 拨号的 wan,这个不会被代理吧。

试试先把 dnsmasq 的监听 53 停掉。然后 dhcp 服务器(在你的情况应该也是 dnsmasq)分发个


@douglarek 影响的,因为 dnsmasq 监听 any:53,导致 dae 劫持 dns 后无法绑定 进行回包,见置顶 issue



uci -q batch << EOF
set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].dns_redirect='0'
delete dhcp.lan.dns
delete dhcp.lan.dhcp_option
add_list dhcp.lan.dns='2400:3200::1'
add_list dhcp.lan.dhcp_option='6,'
uci commit dhcp
/etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart


uci -q batch << EOF
set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].dns_redirect='0'
delete dhcp.lan.dns
delete dhcp.lan.dhcp_option
add_list dhcp.lan.dns='2400:3200::1'
add_list dhcp.lan.dhcp_option='6,'
uci commit dhcp
/etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart

I have already tested this script, and it works like magic. I'm now going to close this issue unless the problem resurfaces. Thank you all for your contributions.